

[View House committee's fact sheet on billhere;section-by-section summaryhere;和七页的帐单文字here。]。

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), the bill's sponsor, said in astatementthat if enacted, the new measure would reauthorize the SRF program for the first time in more than 30 years.


The bill is silent on where the sizable new revenue would come from. Revenue measures fall under the purview of the Ways and Means Committee.

Another caveat is that, like all authorization bills, the water proposal’s funding is subject to annual appropriations. The SRF section of the bill authorizes $8 billion per year for Clean Water SRFs.

主要的共同赞助商众议员格蕾丝·纳波利塔诺(Grace Napolitano)(D-Calif。)主席水资源和环境小组委员会主席,他在2月23日的听证会上表示,SRFS的2021财年拨款仅为16亿美元。[View ENR 2/23/2021story on the hearinghere。]。

全国清洁水机构政府事务董事总经理Kristina Surfus在电子邮件给ENR的评论中说:“将挑战国会为包括水在内的所有类型的基础设施投资寻找薪水。”新利luck

Surfus adds, "This clean water authorization package is a great first step, setting the stage for significantly higher appropriations."

Besides the $40 billion for SRFs, the new proposal also would authorize $10 billion in water infrastructure grants.

Of that amount, $2.5 billion would go to states for water quality improvement programs, another $2.5 billion would be provided to Indian Tribes’ wastewater projects and $2 billion would go to municipalities for sewer-overflow or stormwater projects.

Municipalities would receive $1 billion for watershed, wet weather and resilience pilot projects.




According to the House committee, the measure has the support of more than 50 groups, including NACWA, the Associated General Contractors of America, Sierra Club, U.S. Conference of Mayors and two large building trades unions.