Oracle徽标Finding talented people and the right tools is instrumental to an organization’s success, and地标性也不例外。总部位于乔治亚州雅典,该国的主要开发商和学生住房建造者一直在寻找改进的新方法。

One area Landmark Properties wanted to continue to improve was project delivery. In particular, the company wanted to refine how they create and manage their project schedules and standardize on new processes across their projects to optimize project delivery.

The construction division of Landmark Properties is organized into three groups— cottage in-house, urban in-house, and urban third-party division—each with differing approaches and needs, but a common vision of delivering world-class student housing.


Bringing scheduling expertise to Landmark Properties

Landmark recruited Jeff Milo as their senior scheduling manager to reimagine scheduling for the company’s construction group. With over 28 years of industry experience, Milo is the chair of the planning and scheduling subcommittee for the American Association of Cost Engineering (AACE), which recommends scheduling, planning, and cost control tools for the industry.

Milo在1990年代初开始使用Primavera项目计划者DOS Core作为新的大学毕业生。他搬到了Primavera项目计划者(P3)之前Primavera P6企业项目投资组合管理(EPPM)在他的职业生涯中。

Oracle团队成员会见了Milo,并建立了特殊的合作伙伴关系,因为Oracle开发了他们的项目,投资组合规划和计划解决方案,即Oracle Primavera云。The Oracle Construction and Engineering team heard functional priorities firsthand from Milo, who shared his wish list from decades of experience and system use.


过程 益处
报告 3-4倍
Coordinating internal and third-party job walks 根据需要进行检查而没有冲突或延迟
Quality coordination and communication 提高访问和可见性
内部移交 更光滑的信息流
安排健康 使用视觉颜色编码图反映了项目健康

Oracle Primavera Cloud支持设置可以反复使用的多个标准视图,从而使用户在短短几分钟之内就可以创建两,四或六周的完整浏览。“我们只是打印,”米洛说。


用户可以通过在组织,项目或个人级别上设置Oracle Primavera云在Oracle Primavera Cloud中轻松创建视图,包括打印或共享报告的视图。打印预览功能也得到了很大改进。所有内容都可以在一个屏幕中看到和更新,例如标题,块,时间尺度等。


The Oracle solution is also starting to help the handover process and communication between internal departments and external partners. Processes run more smoothly with all information now consolidated into one central system.


具有里程碑意义的物业设计,建筑和运营团队之间的通信,因为很容易访问construction scheduling工具与公司时间表与其质量控制计划之间的协调。

Landmark Properties正在使用Oracle工具来改善所有项目的整个质量管理计划(QMP)。18luck官网通过在一个范围内基于云的一个系统上协作,各方的可见性都会提高。

“每个人都在同一页面上,可以实时访问最新的信息,并准确地计划和执行他们的工作,而无需依靠离线沟通层。”- Landmark Properties高级计划经理Jeff Milo

The company can plan out and control the entire process by incorporating material submittals and procurement, American Disabilities Act (ADA) inspections, third-party inspections, punch lists, first work inspections, production benchmarks, mock-ups, and standard of quality (SOQ) walks into their schedules.

These processes are conducted at multiple points during the construction process. The onsite visits from the various team members responsible for carrying out the tasks are coordinated and aligned with the project schedules.


根据施工进度协调任务的时间安排,团队的时间表在这些大型复杂的项目上都在挑战。18luck官网现在,使用Oracle Primavera Cloud完全自动化协调和调度,节省了大量的时间计划并协调每次访问。


“使用Oracle Primavera Cloud,整个质量管理程序更有价值,因为该程序的组件总是在最佳时间完成。现在,合适的人总是会出现。”- Landmark Properties高级计划经理Jeff Milo

Landmark’s quality management team members can now easily keep track of the inspections, testing, and other components of the program across their projects, to support the project teams. The company says they have improved their overall quality management process using the Oracle solution.



Landmark的建筑运营团队可以使用特定的计划活动编码与Oracle Primavera Cloud的健康检查和分析工具一起使用特定的计划活动编码来跟踪其日程安排和分包商的质量和绩效。






Landmark Properties是一家完全垂直集成的公司,该公司开发,设计,建造和运营其属性,并在整个项目生命周期中为Oracle提供了输入。


As part of the Early Adopter program, Milo and his team worked closely with Oracle’s Jen Coyle, director of product strategy, and her team. “Jen and her team are amazing. They listen and respond. They really want to know how the solution is used,” says Milo.


Milo influenced product development and Oracle tapped into Milo’s years of experience and current needs, benefiting both Landmark and Oracle.

Landmark Properties Oracle Primavera Cloud的视图

米洛说:“在过去的一年中,Oracle Primavera Cloud已经走了很长一段路,成为这一进步的一部分是一次很棒的经历。”他发现团队成员可以相对轻松地使用Oracle解决方案。“您不必是专业的调度程序就可以使用它。”

construction scheduling software。项目经理和工程师可以访问和所有权来构建和维护时间表,而无需等待调度程序更新时间表。






  • Planned vs. actual starts
  • 计划与实际完成
  • Planned vs. actual task durations (taking quantity and production rate into consideration and adding in the risk factor)

Each project’s health is shown using a visual color-coded graph. A score under 50 is shown in red, 50- 65 in orange, 65-85 in yellow, and 85 -100 is shown in green.

An item is automatically marked as critical if there are 22 work days or fewer of float (i.e. can become the critical path within an update period).


Oracle Primavera Cloud仪表板目前每月为每个项目构建。Landmark Construction的运营团队目前正在探索Oracle Construction and Engineering团队的机会,以使用Primavera Analytics,Oracle的业务智能解决方案,旨在提供对项目和投资组合的见解,以识别趋势并主动确定问题18luck官网


It is important to not only measure the health of the projects, but also the quality of the schedules to continue learning and growing as an organization. Milo has specified key elements to trigger attention and help generate a “score” for schedule quality. These items highlight quality issues with the schedule itself.

  1. 打开末端(没有继任者)
  2. Open starts
  3. 打开饰面(没有任何意外)
  4. 高浮子
  5. 长时间(超过15天的任何事情都会增加旗帜,因为这长度很难测量)
  6. 铅(负滞后)


具有里程碑意义的属性是与氧自由基吸收合作le Construction and Engineering team to specify additional functionality for Primavera Analytics that will help support best practices in monitoring project and schedule health and improve the dashboard process and management.


Milo也很高兴将Oracle Primavera Cloud中的精益计划工具纳入其计划计划。米洛说:“对我来说,精益每周的工作计划/拉力计划过程中缺少的组件是,它与关键路径方法(CPM)时间表没有直接相关。”


Now, Landmark Properties can link the tasks in their weekly work plan to activities in their CPM schedules with Oracle’s精益计划工具。

“Oracle Primavera Cloud allows us to directly see how the weekly work plan is impacting the CPM, providing us with a tremendous amount of control over the entire construction process,” says Milo.

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