

行业薪酬研究公司PAS Inc.杰夫·罗宾逊(Jeff Robinson)说,在大流行的前三个月,一些公司冻结甚至削减了高管工资。%。在第三季度,另有6%的受访者报告裁员,平均有18%。


Robinson says that by the time lockdowns started last March, many firms had already awarded 2020 salary hikes. As a result, by year end, only 20% of PAS respondents reported not giving an increase in 2020. Across all sectors, companies that offered a bump in base pay gave an average hike of 3.8%, down from 4.2% in 2019.


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Last year, electrical contractors were at the high end of increases, offering 4.3% raises. By comparison, specialty contractors other than electrical and mechanical averaged 3.5%. Based on type of work, firms in the industrial sector offered the largest increase, 4%, while those in heavy civil gave the lowest, 3.6%. Heavy civil firms awarded 4.6% hikes to executives in 2019, the highest in the PAS survey.

Daniel Pauletich, senior managing director at executive search firm Specialty Consultants, sees a lot of variation in demand for executive talent, depending on location and market sector. “The demand we’re seeing is largely in the multifamily sector,” he says. “In terms of geography, when I talk to folks in New York City, there’s an undertone of pessimism. When I talk to folks in Florida and parts of Texas, there’s robust optimism. It’s almost as if COVID didn’t exist.”


Still, executive compensation offers for candidates have stayed fairly flat, Pauletich says. “If a company was offering $250,000 twelve months ago, it is targeting that same salary now.” But executive bonuses took a hit for many since they are generally tied to company profits. “There’s so much uncertainty about whether projects will move ahead, it’s caused a pause,” he says. “Many executives accepted a bonus that’s 25% or 50% less than target.” Pauletich adds that many firms pushed bonuses to be paid in mid-2021 instead of at the end of last year.

搜索公司Kaye/Bassman的董事总经理Jeff Wittenberg也认为对执行人才的需求不佳。他说,尽管多户家庭和轻型工业领域的公司最需要,但零售和款待的公司“将其抓住了下巴,正在减少所有可能的东西”。

Some execs at struggling firms might be willing to move, but Wittenberg says companies want talent with experience in specific sectors.
