

2014年8月,俄亥俄州托莱多面临的水危机表明,许多市政供水系统在水基础设施中所面临的挑战,以及重要的是,机遇。伊利湖的有毒藻类开花引起了“不要喝”咨询,造成了胃病,呼吸系统疾病甚至肝脏衰竭的威胁。当时的高夫·约翰·卡西奇(John Kasich)宣布紧急状态,国民警卫队和红十字会设立了水分配中心,该系统的五十千万居民在三天内没有自来水。

托莱多的水处理设施建于1940年代和50年代,已经过时了,缺乏容量,并且没有准备好应对藻类花朵事件的响应,这些事件正在增加。另一条出现在2017年的莫伊河(Maumee River),该河经过托莱多(Toledo)。托莱多的处境几乎没有异常值。美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)2021基础设施报告卡为美国的饮用水系统提供了C-。对于带有D+和雨水的废水看起来更糟。他们爆发了。ASCE估计a water main break every two minutes in the U.S. and 6 billion gallons of water are lost every day.


Digitization Brings Efficiency and Resilience to Water Infrastructure

托莱多在2014年之后解决其水处理问题的方法是一项针对民事基础设施改进的研究,这是新的方法,即应预期和习惯的方法。新利luck该计划要求使用两个新盆地扩大产能,同时升级该市现有的六个盆地,并在建设过程中保持其水处理设施的运作。从一开始,包括设计和工程公司在内的项目团队阿卡迪斯and its contractors partners deployed cloud collaboration software used by everyone on the project, bringing together a range of disciplines and sub-consultants despite being spread out from Ohio to Florida. The team also embraced reality capture and augmented reality (AR) to create precise representations of site conditions and enable collaborators to virtually visit the site.


The digitization of traditionally analog workflows and processes is essential to catch up with our infrastructure needs, saving time and money, both of which are in short supply. ASCE estimates the annual drinking water and wastewater investment gap will grow to $434 billion (about $1,300 per person in the U.S.) by 2029.


Technology, alone, cannot solve our nation's water system problems. The evolution of the design and construction industries requires collaboration between the private sector and the public sector at all levels of government. While the private sector continues to provide opportunities with technology to stretch limited natural and financial resources, the federal government should consider incentives to support the digitization effort for the advancement of technology in civil infrastructure. Earlier this year, Autodesk CEO Andrew Anagnost offered a series of政策建议to the Biden-Harris Administration and Congress to spur economic and job growth, improve sustainability and to speed up the pace of transformation.

托莱多的居民了解了我们的公司llective failure to act on infrastructure the hard way. Without action, we will see history repeat itself in communities large and small across the nation. Climate change is leading to more severe weather, where flooding, ice, drought, and toxins are all increasingly greater threats to a most basic need. Water is life, so intertwined in our daily existence that it is easy to take for granted, but it is time to heed the warning signs. The tools to transform the water industry are available today, and the time to act is now.

Theo Agelopoulos是Autodesk基础设施业务的高级总监。他在收购Innovyze以及Autodesk的业务模型转型中发挥了主要作用,特别是在其建筑,工程和建筑业务中。