

现在芯片和半导体制造ing priority for the U.S.

英特尔公司(Intel Corp.)宣布了3月23日雄心勃勃的建筑计划,以扩大其现有能力。At the top of the plan was a $20-billion investment in new two new fabrication plants at the company’s Ocotillo campus in Chandler, Ariz. The estimate, announced by Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger and state officials, is for 3,000 construction jobs and several thousand permanent jobs.



根据道奇的数据和分析,最近或目前参与数十亿美元项目的公司包括CH2M Hill和Jacobs,在工程和设计方面以及Hoffman Construction以18luck官网及Hensel phelps的建设方面的建设。最近的亚利桑那州项目涉及对钱德勒的Fab 42制造工厂的内部改动。俄勒冈州项目涉及在希尔斯伯勒的办公和制造空间扩展。


拜登政府最近将微芯片和半导体制造成为国家目标。英特尔的高管及其两个国内竞争对手,高通和高级微型设备,总统上个月敦促他的支持and noting that the U.S. share of the market had dropped to 12% from 37% in 1990.

“Intel’s announcement is a great example of the benefits that come from investing in domestic semiconductor manufacturing capabilities," said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo in a statement. "We can create jobs, strengthen our national security as well as the security and resiliency of our supply chains. And we welcome additional announcements on U.S. manufacturing commitments by other firms as well.”