
乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统列举了共和党人德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔(Dwight D. Eisenhower)对联邦公路系统的投资,以为该计划提供案例。具有讽刺意味的是,艾森豪威尔是一个小政府的拥护者,实际上是在试图将更多的支出推向美国,但失败了。然后是参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell),毫无疑问,这无疑是针对该计划的许多广泛性。他说,如果包裹不超过“特洛伊木马”以增加税收,那他是怀疑论者。


一个d finally there’s the Wall Street Journal, which tosses off the infrastructure plan and the taxes to fund it as Biden’s “climate-and-infrastructure binge.” The Journal should know, given its coverage of risky investment binges Wall Street remains prone to.


the Associated General Contractors and other industry groups have tried to untwist part of the policy pretzel, endorsing the infrastructure plan but rejecting the proposed increase in corporate income tax as the “pay-for.”

Much of the overall annual federal investment, especially in measures passed in response to the 2009 financial crisis, has been directed to education and job training, including primary, secondary, and vocational instruction, and Pell grants for college students.

2018年,国会预算办公室reported that the U.S. spent $121 billion关于非防御教育和培训。这超过了同年非防御实体资本的1,100亿美元支出,运输运输额为640亿美元。

One way to improve the Biden plan is to make it truly infrastructure-focused instead of an omnibus bill lacking coherence. The proposal includes a $400-billion section labeled “how we care,” which it calls the "care infrastructure." It pays for raising wages and benefits for home-care workers for the elderly or disabled. Another section is called ‘how we make and create,” for technological and scientific research, with a proposed cost of $580 billion.

ENR Washington D.C. bureau chief Tom Ichniowski counted only $990 billion for the sectors that ENR traditionally views as construction-related infrastructure—to be spent over an eight-to-10-year span.

this is the greatest irony of all—that the infrastructure bill spends so much, possibly the majority of the dollars, not on infrastructure but on scientific research and care for the elderly and disabled.

these are important aspects of America’s economy and quality of life and will create employment. But their inclusion in this proposal confuses its purpose and impact and further obscures the critical importance of infrastructure—from the electrical grid and water supply to schools, transit systems and electric vehicle charging stations—to U.S. economic recovery, global growth and every American's ability and right to prosper.

拜登政府的纠正强调,现在是一个历史性的机会,可以提醒美国人,政府公共工程对公众至关重要,并做私营企业不能或永远不会做的事情。我们喜欢听到交通秘书皮特·巴特吉格(Pete Buttigieg)说,这种重点不是速度和铲子的重视,而是铲子值得的。


But the entire plan will be easier to stand behind if Democrats rise above the typical legislative sausage-making and provide a more cohesive single-purpose infrastructure measure. That’s what had to happen to pass COVID-19 relief legislation, to which Democrats had originally strapped a minimum-wage increase. The Senate Parliamentarian forced it out of the bill that eventually passed.


We don’t think that’s asking too much.