Alamo NEX Construction—a consortium led by Ferrovial US subsidiaries Ferrovial Construction U.S. and Webber LLC—was awarded a design-build contract for the Texas Dept. of Transportation’s $1.5-billion Interstate 35 Northeast Expansion project, located on the north side of San Antonio.

Alamo Nex和TXDOT正在谈判最终任期,预计将在6月执行合同。施工计划于2022年开始,将需要大约六年的时间才能完成。

“ I-35是德克萨斯州旅行和国际商务的主要动脉,除了该项目本身在未来六年及以后为德克萨斯人带来了工作和经济机会,”韦伯总裁兼首席执行官何塞·卡洛斯·埃斯特班(Jose Carlos Esteban)说。在一个statement

工作将穿过Bexar和Guadalupe县的圣安东尼奥,Live Oak,Selma和Schertz的城市。对I-35的改进将包括现有的主车道和正面道路之间的高架托管车道,I-35/I-410北互换的四个附加连接器桥,一条两车道直接连接器沿一个方向和三个两条车道在I-35/LOOP 1604交换处,在三个方向上过渡到单车直接连接器桥,以及从NaCogdoches Road到Biltmore Lakes东部的Loop 1604通用车道和桥梁的重建和/或拓宽。

根据Alamo Nex的说法,这些结构约占项目预算的55%,其中有800多个桥梁建设,4,500个混凝土梁,3100万磅的钢梁和600万平方英尺的桥梁甲板。

The Alamo NEX Construction team includes Ferrovial Construction U.S. and Webber as equity members, with other participants including T.Y. Lin International, CONSOR Engineers LLC, OTHON Inc., PaveTex Engineering LLC, CSJ Engineering Associates LLC and Terracon Consultants Inc.

自2010年以来,Ferrovial表示,它已向德克萨斯州的450多家弱势企业(DBE)公司授予了超过7亿美元的资金,Alamo Nex计划继续对I-35项目进行这种惯例。

“我们的目标是超越与客户的所有项目合同中规定的多样性目标,这为我们生活和工作的社区提供了机会和增长,”美国Ferrovial Construction的Angel Luis Sanchez在美国Fe18luck官网rrovial Construction中说陈述。该公司是西班牙承包商的单位。

This project is the latest in a series of major design-build projects that Ferrovial Construction U.S. and Webber have partnered on across Texas, which represent more than $6 billion in construction value. These include the $2.1 billion I-635 LBJ Express, $1.5 billion North Tarrant Express Segments 1&2 and $1.3B I-35W Segment 3A, which all were completed ahead of schedule, and the $900 million SH 99 Grand Parkway Segments H & I, scheduled to finish in 2022.

I-35项目奖是由Ferrovial又在佐治亚州设计建造合资合同的Ferrovial的另一项成功追求之后获得的。上个月,佐治亚州运输部授予了2.29亿美元合同to a joint venture of Ferrovial subsidiary Webber LLC and United Infrastructure Group to rebuild the Interstate 16/I-75 interchange in Macon, Ga.