
亚利桑那关键小组正计划开发中央公园混合用途开发in Phoenix. The 2.3-million-sq-ft project will be situated on 18 acres of undeveloped land at 4141 N. Third St. It will include six towers, ranging in height from 165 ft to 355 ft, and will have office, hotel, residential, senior living and retail space. The project proposes two commercial office towers with 760,000 sq ft of commercial office space, 170,000 sq ft of retail and restaurant space, a movie theater and a 200-room, 185-ft-tall hotel. It will also include two 355-ft residential towers, which will total 400 apartment and condominium units. A 165-ft tower is proposed with 200 units of senior housing. The main courtyard will feature an outdoor amphitheater that can accommodate about 1,000 people. It is being designed by Gensler. The project is valued at $300 million.Pivotal Group, Attn: Francis Najafi, 2555 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, 85016. DR#19-00585907.

路易斯安那州路易斯安那州沿海保护与恢复局正计划执行Terrebonne Basin Ridge和Marsh Creation项目,a ridge restoration and marsh creation project in western Terrebonne Parish. It involves restoring 126 acres of earthen ridge, and a marsh creation component that will dredge sediment from offshore to create 1,370 acres of marsh. This will rebuild ridge and intertidal marsh habitat that has degraded due, in part, to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The project has been designed by HDR Engineering Inc. The project is valued at $126 million.路易斯安那州沿海保护与恢复局,巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge),露台150号,70802。DR#18-00891515。

内布拉斯加州内布拉斯加州大学正计划为内布拉斯加州大学医学中心牙科学院在奥马哈。该项目将翻新时,当口腔上颌面外科手术转移到新的劳里岑门诊中心时,该项目已腾空。该装修将包括对设施的更新,以支持损害流动性和复杂医疗状况的患者的可及性。除了扩展到15个操作员外,该项目还将包括灭菌,实验室,等待和支持空间。该项目的价值为5000万美元。内布拉斯加州大学,设施计划与建筑部,1400 R St.,Lincoln,68588。DR#16-00571270。

英里长,24英寸迪亚(24英寸)管道将从宾夕法尼亚州的麦基恩县运送天然气,到纽约州埃尔玛的波特维尔压缩机站。该项目还需要在波特维尔站安装5,350 hp的压缩。Empire Pipeline将在纽约州彭德尔顿建造一个22,214 hp的压缩机站,并建造一个2英里长的16英寸/24英寸/24英寸 - 英寸DIA管道。该项目的价值为5亿美元。国家燃气公司,布法罗大街6363号,14221年。DR#16-00402480。

田纳西州伊士曼化学公司(Eastman Chemical Co.)计划建造塑料回收设施在金斯波特。该设施将通过甲醇溶解将聚酯废物转化为耐用产品。该设施预计将在2022年底之前机械地完成。该项目的价值为7,000万美元。伊士曼化学公司(Eastman Chemical Co.

Bids, Contracts, Proposals

康涅狄格州PAC Group Inc.已开始翻新Mary Shepard Place Apartments,a 20-building complex in Hartford. The project designer is Capital Studio Architects. The project is valued at between $15 million and $20 million.PAC Group Inc.,Main St. 126,Torrington,06790。DR#20-00777923。

KansasCornejo & Sons has started work on a highway upgrade project. The project entails milling and then carrying out a superpave overlay on
Interstate 35从萨姆纳和塞奇威克县的英里标记26.8到50​​.8英里。该项目的价值为1,130万美元。Cornejo&Sons,2060 E. Tulsa St.,Wichita,67216。DR#20-00803531。


Georgia 4/20Savannah Hilton Head International Airport正在寻求竞标者进行东南象限雨水排水的改进。该项目包括建造一个新的保留/拘留/治疗池,建造由管道和人孔组成的封闭雨水系统,以将水运送到新池塘;以及受雨水系统影响的公用事业的搬迁。该项目的价值在700万至1000万美元之间。萨凡纳·希尔顿(Savannah Hilton)国际机场,ATTN:杰西卡·史密斯(Jessica Smith),萨凡纳(Savannah),萨凡纳(Airways Ave.),31408。DR#21-00540809。

弗吉尼亚州4/30The Virginia Port Authority is seeking bidders to carry out an expansion of the中央Railyard在诺福克。这项工作涉及与龙门起重机轨道建造一对四轨铁路码(称为捆绑)。将建造到北部和南部的铁路线路(在码头内的地面交通)将被构造,以将铁路束连接到码头内铁路大道沿线的现有轨道。在两个捆绑包之间,将建造一个铺成的工作过道,用于将底盘安装的容器往返于轨道车。该项目的价值为2200万美元。弗吉尼亚港口管理局,600世界贸易中心,诺福克,23510。DR#19-00806513。

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