National Building Museum去年40岁,但没有放慢脚步,而是华盛顿特区的机构不断提高,因为它重新开放了新的执行董事,并更加强调当今建筑行业面临的关键问题。

艾琳·福克斯(Aileen Fuchs)has been named NBM’s president and executive director, replacing Brent Glass, director emeritus of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, who guided the NBM on an interim basis through the difficult pandemic times since last summer.

Scott Blair

目前,纽约州史坦顿岛的Snug Harbor文化中心和植物园的总裁兼首席执行官将于5月在NBM开始她的新角色。先前的工作包括在布鲁克林海军院发展公司服务。



While the NBM “already acts as a real convener for cross conversations” across all the building professions, Fuchs says there’s room to grow its relevance as “the center of gravity for these types of conversations” and to connect the thought leadership of the construction industry to the general public.

ENR has also returned to a leadership role at the museum. In October, I was named to a two-year term on the Board of Trustees, where I will serve alongside a diverse group of people from across the industry.

博物馆重新开放了一个新的访客中心和展览,包括枪支暴力纪念项目,大众设计小组的展示,建筑摄影师艾伦·凯克默(Alan Karchmer)的作品和Great Hall设施。