If ever there was an appropriate time for a new health education facility to come on line, it’s during a once-in-a-century global pandemic. But as new vaccines begin turning the tide on COVID-19, the 73,039-sq-ft Betty Engelstad School of Health Sciences at the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) in Henderson is poised to help the region handle a full gamut of health care needs for decades to come.


“There’s a big need in the area for health care technicians, with demand for classes higher than the availability for classrooms,” says Benton Marshall, regional manager for the state of Nevada’s Public Works Division. “We needed something that allows us to fill these roles locally, rather than recruiting from out of state.”

项目建筑师Knit Studios的项目经理兼负责人Dennis Panars补充说,该建筑物旨在通过其布局和与CSN学生会的近距离为通勤学校创造急需的社区感。

Panars说:“因为学生将在那里度过一天的大部分时间,所以我们在整个建筑物中编程了多个区域,他们可以团结起来,合作或找到自己的学习空间。”新利luck分层设计为建筑物提供了单独的入口 - 二楼的主要大厅面向北部的校园购物中心,而地下楼层的入口面向南部的主要校园停车场。

随着2019年11月的工作开始,“最大的挑战是摆脱困境,”拉斯维加斯核心建设现场负责人吉姆·马基切维奇(Jim Markichevich)说。除了两个入口水平之间有14英尺的差异外,较小的6,759平方英尺的一楼截面还需要另外7英尺的电梯基础和5英寸厚的MAT板。


CORE project manager Avery Hacker adds that isolated spread and continuous footings with multiple steps integrated the foundation with the elevation change. Braced structural steel frames for the building’s larger sections required footings as large as 10 ft wide and 42 in. thick, including one that required nearly 130 yd of concrete.


Learning-oriented Layout




—Jim Markichevich, Site Superintendent, CORE Construction



One unique building element is the liquid linoleum flooring, a sustainable system designed to provide the same degree of durability and sound dampening without the need for heat welds. “It’s fairly new to the U.S. and a first for us, but we got up to speed on it pretty quickly,” Hacker says.

For the exterior, CORE installed nearly 13,400 sq ft of fiber cement and ultra-high-performance concrete paneling, which are complemented by decorative masonry block. Other exterior features include a three-piece, 4,290-sq-ft perforated metal screen structure on the building’s north plaza that creates a private space for students and a demonstration garden comprised of regional medicinal plants.





核心执行副总裁马克·霍瓦卡(Mark Hobaica)观察到:“由于复杂性,不同的用户和不同的资金来源,这一过程对于这座建筑确实是正确的。”他补充说,以前与Knit的合作也发挥了作用。“我们每周的现场项目会议是30分钟,这是闻所未闻的,这证明了整个团队范围的努力,以创造一个将更加精致的最终产品。”

Marshall agrees, though he admits to some initial skepticism about the use of CMAR delivery. “I quickly saw cohesion on the team, which was a night-and-day difference compared with other delivery methods,” he says.

最重要的是,指出CSN亨德森校园教务长Patty Charlton, the CMAR process yielded significant cost savings in the midst of what has been an active construction market for the region. “Having so many multibillion-dollar projects in the area heightened demand for subcontractors and materials,” Charlton says. “But we never had any labor or supply-chain issues. This has been an amazing partnership.”

As the Health Sciences Building undergoes its finishing touches and building system commissioning, Charlton looks forward to the role it will play as a catalyst for change at the campus as well as in the community.
