
AGC和数据收集合作伙伴Procore Technologies Inc.表示,该行业仍然面临着从Covid-19 Pandemic的回归后的重大障碍超过一年,在某些国家关闭所有职位后,因为致命病毒的威胁变得更加明显。

“我们已经汇总了Procore客户的数据和他们在全球范围内运行的项目,”在4月20日AGC在线媒体会议上的全18luck官网球伙伴关系和联盟副总裁Kris Lengieza表示。“这使我们介绍了整个大流行项目实际发生的事情。我们能够在一周的一周内实时跟踪 - 在整个日志中招聘的工人数量,18luck官网这不仅由我们的客户报告,而是他们的所有合作者(如分包商)。“


As of last month, "we are back at where we were at the beginning of COVID-19 in March 2020," Lengieza said. "Keep in mind, this is a constant customer base that we are looking at here. We are not including any new customers that came online and bought Procore. We kept that data set centralized as to who was on board at the beginning of COVID."

建造businesses that Procore tracked were defined as large if they had revenue of more than $200 million, medium with $20 million to $200 million in revenue and small with less than $20 million. The medium and large businesses tended to react more quickly to changing safety conditions because they had strong plans in place with individuals able to address safety, said Lengieza, adding that financially, they were more stable and able to invest in whatever was needed to keep projects going. Smaller construction companies reopened job sites and retrofitted their workplaces more slowly than their larger counterparts, resulting in some sites not reopening until the latter half of 2020.

"The positive outlook here as we are seeing ... most of these areas and the nation as a whole returned back to pre-COVID levels," he said.

AGC.Chief Economist Ken Simonson said that, according to the BLS numbers he analyzed, non-residential construction still has not caught up to its pre-pandemic levels of employment while residential construction, spurred by pandemic buying, increased for most of 2020 and is now 10% ahead of its March 2020 high.

“非住宅建筑就业 - 虽然它从去年四月的低点增加了10% - 仍然只有三分之二的工作已经恢复,”Simonson说。


Simonson said that supply-chain problems involving lumber and steel mills that were shut down during the pandemic and the ongoing shipping container and truck driver shortage are also hindering the on-time delivery of construction projects.
