在联邦案件中,有更多详细信息在反对芝加哥奥尔德曼(Chicago Alderman)的案件中,该案件被指控涉嫌与地标城市建筑的改造有关。

芝加哥市议会财务委员会前主席奥尔德曼·伯克(Alderman Ed Burke)据称寻求帮助,以帮助搬迁8亿美元的主要邮局康复项目forward, according to an April 21 federal court filing.

210页备案是为了回应代表伯克的律师的审前动议,以排除政府对他的收集的证据。伯克是被起诉in 2019, and the case has been paused because much of Chicago's federal court system was shut down due to the pandemic.

据称,伯克坚持认为,开发商601W Cos。雇用其律师事务所,并威胁说如果公司未能这样做,则拒绝对该项目的支持。

这developer was seeking Burke’s assistance in connecting the building—which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and had stood vacant for two decades—to the city water system. 601W Cos. also sought access to Amtrak-controlled space beneath the building and help in securing city tax-increment financing (TIF) for the project.

Burke’s demands emerged in recordings made by former Alderman Danny Solis, referred to as Alderman A by federal prosecutors, in whose ward the Old Post Office project was located. The government’s filing revealed 23 instances in which Burke talked with Solis about an allegedly illegal scheme to solicit business for his firm, Klafter & Burke, in connection with the former post office building project.


Burke also allegedly said, “The cash register has not rung yet,” referring to the landmark property, which two previous firms had not been able to redevelop. After 601W Cos. hired Klafter & Burke, however, things changed. Burke, working through an intermediary, contacted Chicago’s Water Commissioner about water service for the project. The federal filing said that the water department understood there was pressure from city hall to establish water service, and that Burke was involved.

在2017年10月举行的大约601W要求获得该项目的TIF资金的请求之后,政府声称伯克告诉Solis:“好运,将其登上议程,”该市的财务委员会指的是。但是在2018年8月,在一位据信是琼斯·朗·拉萨尔(Jones Lang Lasalle)的物业经理之后,伯克(Burke)聘请了伯克(Burke)的律师事务所,伯克(Burke)告诉索利斯(Solis),他“绝对”将支持该公司对TIF资金的提议。

After Burke’s 2019 indictment, 601W Cos. released a statement saying, “601W Companies was the victim of a corrupt solicitation by Alderman Burke, who the indictment alleges engaged in a persistent, two-year effort to obtain private legal business from the company for his law firm.”


伯克是also recorded allegedly telling Solis that the owners of 601W Cos. were Jewish, indicating that as the reason they were initially hesitant to hire his law firm, and saying he would give them a reason to do so.

When confronted by a reporter at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago about the anti-Semitic statement, Burke said he would respond in court.

“Antisemitism has no place in Chicago, and we expect better of our elected officials. At a time when anti-Semitic incidents are up more than 135% in the Midwest since 2016, we are deeply concerned by the reported comments of Ald. Burke and call for an immediate apology,” the Midwest chapter of the Anti-Defamation League said in a statement.

芝加哥市长洛里·莱特富特(Lori Lightfoot)最初在2019年呼吁伯克(Burke)辞职,并于4月21日续签了该要求。