Key Senate Republicans have proposed a蓝图对于一项5.68亿美元的五年基础设施账单来说,范围较窄,而且价格要低得多,而3月31日的200万美元基础设施套餐总裁乔·拜登(Joe Biden)于3月31日公布。


新闻部秘书詹·帕萨基(Jen Psaki)在同一天晚些时候的一份简报中说,尽管共和党提议与拜登的美国就业计划法案有所不同,但白宫将共和党的大纲视为有关基础设施立法的进一步讨论的起点。

“We’re looking forward to reviewing the details of the proposal,” she said, adding that staff-level discussions probably would follow and that Biden would likely invite lawmakers to the White House shortly after his scheduled April 28 address to a joint session of Congress.


但是,一位领先的参议院民主党财政委员会主席罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)(D-ore。)批评共和党框架“太小了,无法为美国人民所需的投资提供资金和强烈的支持。”


Republicans who crafted the plan are the party's ranking members on committees that have jurisdiction over most infrastructure sectors.

参议员Shelley Moore Capito(W.Va.)是环境与公共工程委员会最高的共和党人,他在4月22日中午表示按简报在简报开始前30分钟,该小组已将其提议传输给白宫官员。

商业委员会最高共和党人罗杰·威克(Roger Wicker)参议员罗杰·威克(Roger Wicker)称,该提案“与拜登总统和我们众议院和参议院的民主党同事开始了一项认真的谈判努力。”

威克说:“这是一个很大的提议。”“ 5680亿美元是很多钱。”




Alex Etchen, Associated General Contractors of America senior director for infrastructure advancement, said in an interview, "I was encouraged," noting that Republicans included infrastructure sectors beyond highways and bridges.



Republicans listed several possible options, including user fees for electric vehicles, "repurposing" for infrastructure already appropriated, but also unspent non-infrastructure funds contained in earlier COVID-19 relief and recovery measures

GOP lawmakers also ruled out other possible revenue-raisers as options, including a gasoline tax hike and rolling back tax breaks in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.



But transit advocates were quick to criticize the Republicans’ proposal. Paul Skoutelas, American Public Transportation Association president and CEO, said the plan’s $61-billion allocation represents a $4-billion cut from current funding.

Skoutelas called the proposed allotment “a major step backward for communities that want to rebuild their economy and re-imagine their future.”

Many industry groups issued statements favoring the Republicans’ proposal as advancing the discussion. But the American Road & Transportation Builders Association and National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association underlined the importance of approving a new surface transportation bill by Sept. 30. That could be a stand-alone measure or part of a bigger package.

The surface-transportation legislation, which authorizes funding for federal highway and transit programs, is the only infrastructure category that faces a firm deadline for an authorization bill this year.

All sectors would need to have their fiscal 2022 appropriations approved by Sept. 30, as well.