As President Joe Biden’s busy first 100 days in office—which included enactment of a $1.9-trillion pandemic rescue bill and proposals for two other massive measures—wrap up, the months ahead also are expected to generate plenty of legislative and regulatory action with major impact for the construction sector.

该行业在未来几个月中的主要立法重点将是拜登提议的两项法案之一的进步 - 这项耗资22万亿美元的《美国就业计划法》于3月31日揭幕。它包括约1万亿美元,以资助作为传统基础设施计划的内容。新利luck



“拜登总统已将重点放在基础设施和就业方面的议程中,现在是时候该国会采取行动了,”国家沥青路面协会倡导副总裁杰伊·汉森(Jay Hansen)告诉ENR。新利luck“在他的第二个100天里,随着众议院和参议院委员会根据这些建议准备并报告立法文本,所有人的目光都将集中在国会上。”

Steve Hall, American Council of Engineering Companies senior vice president for advocacy, said in an interview, “I think the next hundred days will be critical in defining … the parameters of the package—the details, the schedule, etc.” He adds, “A lot of progress needs to happen in the next hundred days if we are realistically looking at the possibility of success this year. We need to get bills out of committee. We need to get bills to the House and Senate floor.”

The Laborers' International Union of North America is among organizations pushing for the American Jobs Plan and its infrastructure components. "It's a jobs, jobs, jobs bill," says Terry O'Sullivan, its general president. "We're looking to get it over the finish line," he said in an interview.


“如果我们实际上要考虑今年成功的可能性,就需要在接下来的一百天内取得很多进展。我们需要将账单从委员会中取消。我们需要将账单带到众议院和参议院。”—Steve Hall, Senior Vice President, ACEC

A group of about a dozen Senate Republicans responded to the American Jobs Plan on April 22 with a $568-billion counterproposal with a shorter list of infrastructure types to be funded.


“I applaud a group of Republican Senators who just put forward their proposal," Biden said in his April 28 address to a joint session of Congress. "We welcome ideas.”

共和党团体领导人参议员雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(Shelley Moore Capito)(W.Va.)在4月29日的声明中说,当天早些时候,她“与拜登总统关于基础设施的建设性和实质性呼吁”。


Capito acknowledged in an earlier television interview that Democrats at any time could decide not to pursue a bipartisan route. “Until they do that I’m going to keep going in and fighting for Republican principles and a narrowing of a focus of a more reasonable, common sense infrastructure package,” she said.





Moreover, for the largest infrastructure sector, highways and bridges, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee continue work on drafting their versions of bills to reauthorize the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation, or FAST, Act, the most recent multi-year highway-transit law.

米歇尔·史丹利(Michele Stanley)是国家石头,沙子和碎石协会政府和监管事务副总裁,他说,这两个委员会的民主党人和共和党人都致力于完成快速ACT继任者。她在接受采访时说,他们甚至正在寻找最终会议委员会的形状,以解决每个商会批准其法案版本后解决差异的形状。



ABC监管,劳工和国家事务副总裁本·布鲁贝克(Ben Brubeck)说,另一方面,关联的建筑商和承包商对那些相同的规定感到担忧。布鲁贝克说,它们被包括在三月份的白宫释放的美国工作计划框架中。



Pro and Con on PRO Act

Although infrastructure is the top construction legislative priority, other important measures are pending or are on the horizon.




Jimmy Christianson, AGC vice president for government relations, says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) “has promised the AFL-CIO a vote when there are 50 co-sponsors. There’s currently 47.”

Campaigns for and against the Senate measure have been launched in the handful of states whose senators have not yet committed one way or the other.


但是,他不排除Pro-Pro Act立法者试图通过和解机制通过该法案的可能性,或者需要简单的多数。他说:“当然,有些规定可能会违反行政命令或不同的立法工具。”



First to move forward is likely to be an Occupational Safety and Health Administration COVID emergency temporary standard. It now is under review at the Office of Management and Budget, says Nick Goldstein, American Road & Transportation Builders Association vice president for regulatory and legal issues.

The standard is a top priority for organized labor and would take effect quickly, perhaps upon publication in the Federal Register.

ARTBA had written to OSHA early this year to express its views on the upcoming standard. “We don’t think that there should be a one-size-fits-all approach here,” Goldstein said in an interview.

He notes that transportation construction workers are often outside and socially distanced and their anti-COVID precautions might well be different from those needed in confined indoor spaces, such as meatpacking plants or assembly lines.

Focus on Environment, Energy and Climate


Another possibility is action concerning Trump modifications to the National Environmental Policy Act, which sets requirements for construction project environmental impact statements and less-stringent reviews.

“我希望您会看到监管提案开始发展administration’s priorities—and perhaps that would even [happen] more quickly than undoing what the last administration did,” says Goldstein. Examples, he says, could include climate change and environmental justice and equity.

The administration and Congress also announced last monthstepped-up federal efforts在美国清理,研究和调节广泛新利luck的PFAS化学品,因为越来越多的州也这样做。


“进步始于拜登政府正在做出的各种承诺和他们正在实现的目标,我们将这些行动视为一种积极的发展,可以释放整个美国的巨大增长时期,”莫滕森总统丹·约翰逊(Dan Johnson)和首席执行官,通过电子新利luck邮件告诉ENR。

拜登(Biden)在最初的100天内取消了Keystone XL管道,并在联邦土地上无限期地停止了石油和天然气。同时,4月28日,参议院使用《国会审查法》撤销了特朗普政府的统治,并恢复了奥巴马时代的控制,以控制石油和天然气井中的甲烷泄漏。

Black&Veatch副总裁Brady Hays说:“政府正在采取全面的政府方法来通过在联邦政府中部署资源来脱碳化。”“开发温室气体发射能量将不再是前进的首要任务。”

“Anybody that’s in the energy market right now in North America should be incredibly happy about these announcements.” —詹姆斯·阿马托,伯恩斯和麦克唐纳的传输总监

Senate Democrats back Biden’s efforts with multiple bills to encourage more renewable energy, including a拟议的大修能源税法的4月21日,将修改清洁能源项目的税收减免,以及一项措施,以废除许多现有的化石燃料税收优惠。18luck官网

Incentives for Cleaner Energy

政府受到国会的摆布,采取措施激励可再生能源4月27日宣布的计划to make $8.25 billion in U.S. Dept. of Energy loans available to upgrade and expand the country's electric grid, allowing more clean energy connections.

其他announcements support offshore wind, long-term battery storage, green hydrogen production, electrification of vehicles and overall resilience in the sector.

公告是“更重要的多I would have imagined from a transmission investment perspective” said James Amato, director of transmission development and strategy for the U.S. and U.K. at Burns & McDonnell. “Anybody that’s in the energy market right now in North America should be incredibly happy about these announcements.”

The Biden Administration also is trying to jumpstart offshore wind development slowed during the Trump era,announcing in March一个目标安装足够的海上风力涡轮机produce 30,000 MW of electricity by 2030.

Amato says it’s the first time that both policy and financing for offshore wind are “at the altar together.”

“In my mind it reinforces the confidence that lenders or investors can have in that market,” says Jake Merriman, managing director for transmission at Burns & McDonnell.



Amato说,FERC董事长理查德·格里克(Richard Glick)“将不得不努力处理几件事。”

The executive says that with the shift to renewables, the model of a regulated monopoly for U.S. utilities designed by Thomas Edison more than 100 years ago, "is on life support.” Additionally, the agency's Order 1000, enacted in 2011 to help ease transmission planning and cost allocation, has not worked as planned and needs to be revamped.


