
Despite technologies available to bridge the gaps between stakeholders, workflows, and project data, the various teams and processes involved in construction remain largely disconnected. It’s not uncommon for engineers to lack the details needed to produce more constructible models. Or for contractors to make do with these models, accepting that changes along the way to address site realities are just a part of the process.

But these changes come at a significant cost in terms of duplicated efforts, rework, and waste. And they create a ripple effect of inefficiency, ultimately resulting in the budget and schedule overruns that plague the industry. According to the Construction Industry Institute, 12.4% of infrastructure construction project costs go to rework, and运输建设项目18luck官网are delayed by 2.3 years on average.



In the current round of its每天计数计划,FHA促进了使用数字构建,这要求所有利益相关者都必须共享一个单一的集中式3D模型,其中在整个施工生命周期中捕获数据。结果是一个生动的,连续的BIM模型,该模型超出了设计的范围,以帮助在施工期间和之后进行计划和决策。




- - 冷春建筑总裁瑞安·福雷斯特尔(Ryan Forrestel)


Realizing the efficiency and sustainability improvements possible through increased collaboration is more than achievable through a connected construction approach supported by integrated technology tools. For example, using a基于云计算的BIM collaboration像Trimble Quadri这样的工具,所有利益相关者都能共享对模型的访问。团队没有浪费时间和金钱在返工,RFI和变更订单上,而是能够高效,有效地共同努力。


数字构建也可以作为数字双胞胎,是物理资产的确切数字复制品。动态且不断地通过字段数据进行更新,Digital Twin是一种强大的工具,可用于资源管理,预测性调整和进度监控。通过对现场和资产绩效的深入了解,数字双胞胎奠定了释放明天基础设施所需的效率和可持续性提高的关键。

Improvements like these are exactly what’s needed to address the infrastructure challenges and opportunities ahead. And those who are willing to break down traditional work silos and make the cultural shift needed will reap the rewards.


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