With a deadline looming, Canada is fighting against the closure of Line 5, a 68-year-old underwater line that carries crude oil and natural gas liquids through the Straits of Mackinac that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wants shut down due to spill risks.

十一月,民主党人惠特默(Whitmer)(D)宣布,她正在撤销许可证,该许可使卡尔加里(Calgary)允许位于艾伯塔省的跨国能源提供商Enbridge Inc.运营5号线的密歇根州部分,这是沿着海峡底部的4英里部分,密歇根湖和休伦湖。


Whitmer alleged that Enbridge repeatedly violated terms of a 1953 easement, which allows for an extension of the 4-mile portion of the pipeline through the straits, by ignoring structural problems that put the lakes at risk.


Ryan Duffy, a spokesperson for Enbridge, said this week that the company has no intention of shutting the pipeline.

“This matter is currently being litigated in federal court,” he said. “The parties are also engaged in mediation. Further, a treaty with Canada prohibits the state from taking unilateral action to close the pipelines.”

Although the state and Enbridge have been in negotiations, there is no word yet from Michigan on whether it has altered its position even as Canada has voiced support for uninterrupted operation of the line.

Kirsten Hillman, Canada’s ambassador to the U.S. said in an email that closing the pipeline would pose dire economic impacts for both countries.


Closure of one of the U.S. refineries alone "would result in a loss of billions in annual economic output, with thousands of jobs potentially impacted,” she said.



Hillman said Canadian officials have had 10 meetings with top Biden administration officials during which Line 5 was raised.

她在信中说:“在这些会议中,我们强调了第5行的两个国家的经济和能源安全福利,这是我们更广泛的综合关系的一部分 - 以及该线路关闭的重大影响。”


罗杰·Gauthier司库Mackin的海峡ac Alliance, a citizens group in the U.S. that supports Line 5 shutdown, believes the potential economic impacts of a closure on Michigan have been overstated.

“The Canadian government, especially the provincial government of Ontario, needs to recognize the [environmental] risk that this outdated line will pose to its own constituents,” he said. “Clearly the issues of economic impacts of a shutdown of the line by Enbridge are grossly overstated.”



“The federal safety regulator, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration, has consistently determined, as recently as 2020, that Line 5 is safe based on its review of extensive inspection data," he said.

Both Enbridge and Canadian officials favor a deal struck in 2018 with former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), which allows for replacement of the pipeline’s underwater portion with a new segment that would be contained inside a tunnel to be drilled through bedrock beneath the straits.


“In the meantime, Line 5 must stay open,” he said. “It is a critical piece of North American energy infrastructure that benefits both Canada and the U.S.”


Gov. Whitmer's office was contacted but has responded to ENR queries.