Pay gaps between men and women are a problem in the AEC industry and beyond—and they are a sign of complex, systemic problems in companies. “It’s more of a symptom,” said Elizabeth Walgram, senior consultant in the compensation and career strategies practice at human resources consulting firm Segal.

The problem is acute in construction, however, with a workforce comprised of 90% men and 10% women, leaving the latter to fight harder for equity in pay and career advancement, said Sharon Hidalgo, firm vice president of new client acquisition.

Hidalgo and Walgram spoke about pay equity May 6 at theGroundbreaking Women in Constructionvirtual conference, presented by ENR in partnership with law firm Peckar & Abramson. Their keynote session comments were among others that addressed how to achieve equity and inclusion in industry office and jobsite workplaces.


While men and women all start on equal footing at the bottom of the career ladder before age 30, by the time they reach 45, 37% of men, compared with 25% of women, are managers, and 8% of men, compared with 4% of women, are executives at a firm, according to Segal research.




Top Contractors Set Construction Inclusion Week

Five of the largest U.S. contractors—Turner Construction Co., DPR Construction, Gilbane Building Co., McCarthy Building Cos. and Mortenson—told the GWIC audience about the coalition they formed to build a zero-tolerance community against racism, hate, bias and harassment. Rodney Pope, Turner senior vice president, was “not surprised” that 54% of attendees responded in a poll that they personally had experienced hate or racism in the industry.

“It's not easy or quick to keep these behaviors from happening, but it's absolutely necessary to set the right culture.”—Rodney Pope, senior vice president, Turner Construction Corp.


Stacee Barkley, DPR's diversity, equity and inclusion leader, announced one new remedy the coalition is developing—the first Construction Inclusion Week, set for Oct. 18-22. As they educate and celebrate, participants can “stand united in setting expectations and promoting consistent behavior,” she said, adding that the program is modeled on Safety Week in many ways.

Mortenson project manager Sydney Wittmier said that when a woman or person of color starts work on her site, she pulls them aside and says, “I hope you are treated fairly here, but in the event that you are not, please know that you have someone who is in your court—someone that will do something about any things they may happen to you.”

Young women of color shared experiences and challenges they had encountered in advancing construction careers.

They agreed that while the industry is becoming more diverse, there are still some preconceived notions they face. Nadene Taylor, associate at Beyer Blinder Belle Architects, noted that while prejudices exist, “showing that you know who you are and are just as good as them will dispel those lies.”

他们同意,成为盟友的最好方法是倡导您的同事。纽约州长岛市的当地1工会水管工亚历山德·迪达里亚(Alexandria Defaria)说:“不要驳回我们的投诉。”泰勒补充说,领导者“听取他们信任我们做得很好的人的声音”在职业发展方面可能意味着很多。

在MNS Engineering工作的加利福尼亚州理工学院圣路易斯·奥比斯波(San Luis Obispo)的三年级土木工程专业的学生Hephzibah Dadala是第三代工程师。她说:“我妈妈是一名工程师,所以我很想看到工程上的女性。”但是进入田野是一个“大开眼界”,即成为有色人种的挑战。她说:“直到到达那里,我才质疑我属于。”

Digitized Diversity

威斯康星大学 - 斯托特大学(University of Wisconsin-Stout)副教授,工业研究专家Mona Affifi说,建筑业的女技术专家指出了数字化的力量,尤其是在“对经济产生显着影响”的行业“对经济产生重大影响”的能力。技术采用。

Noting that a key challenge for industry women has been jobsite “acceptability” and the long hours required, Nancy Novak, chief innovation officer of owner Compass Datacenters and a former contractor manager, said new technologies allow more offsite work that improves efficiency, reduces physical impacts on people and allows better oversight—for men as well as women. “We’ve really learned that with technologies like remote commissioning and digital twins, you can still have major project impact from a remote location,” she said.

辩称,在技术采用方面的行业领域中,该构建是“终于倒数第二”的,行业软件公司Hexagon PPM副总裁Cathy Hayes指出,女性专家需要“带到餐桌上”的技术,例如4D和5D BIM和5D BIM和5D先进的机器人技术“改善构建方式并利用技术利用现有知识来展示如何做得更好。当今公司的利润很薄,这一点很重要。”

Autodesk Construction Cloud的客户成功经理Cara Wilcynski表示,虽然负责人知道该行业,但我知道计算机以及如何在i-Pad上启动模型,并访问嵌入式数据以更好地了解安装过程。”




Ileana Rodriguez, principal at I Design Access, an international architecture design consultant, who is a paralympic swimmer, shared howinclusive designbenefits everyone, not just the disabled. In a May 5 keynote, she said that inclusive design also improves a company’s bottom line and that making a design accessible does not necessarily mean it has to be ugly.


在GWIC的闭幕主题演讲中,新名称为HNTB公司基础设施和流动性权益公司总裁Diana Mendes指出,在更广泛的规模上,项目计划和执行也将被要求集中在对环境正义上的重点,从而权衡公平对社区的影响。



“基础设施团队在与社区互动时需要更具包容性。计算与会者和交易公众参与的日子已经一去不复返了。我们需要邀请所有人参加餐桌,即使是那些不愿意来的人,我们也必须对他们的想法采取行动。”—Diana Mendes, Corporate President, infrastructure and Mobility Equity, HNTB

“Equity must shape our mindset in how we create infrastructure to serve all people, not just those using facilities,” she said. “Investors know that such action builds value and stronger communities, the backbone of our country.”


ESG pressure is one catalyst, as is the Biden administration.

Mendes pointed to what she termed its "transformational" Justice40 initiative that incorporates environmental justice into all federal agency missions—mandating that 40% of federal investment, including in infrastructure delivery, must address disproportionate impacts on underserved communities.


Mendes also敦促AEC行业to reframe its view of engaging with minority and women-owned small businesses and others traditionally labeled “disadvantaged,” not as “an obligation or requirement,” but as a way to “open eyes to different talents ... that may show an entirely new way" to do work, and even offer “competitive advantage.”

She said: “This is a time of great introspection and new conversations to change the way we do things."