
Driving the increases are losses sustained in recent years and the combined uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, project interruptions, safety costs and higher material prices.

Since early 2018, base pricing of risk is up 25%,reports Marsh, the big brokerage. Excess and umbrella insurance renewals, which kick in after limits are reached under other policies, are costing 50% to 100% more on renewal and are increasing,威利斯塔沃森说,另一个大型经纪人。


多余的伤亡保险,马什说, "many carriers are pushing for pricing increases, deploying lower policy limits and increasing attachment points."

Excess casualty insurance coverage, for loss of property, damage or other liabilities, including workers' compensation, is especially difficult. "Many carriers," says Marsh, "are pushing for pricing increases, deploying lower limits and increasing attachment points," to the level of loss where the coverage would kick in.

Depending on the loss experience of a contractor, rates for general liability coverage renewals are 5% to 25% higher, builders' risk is up 5% to 20% and subcontractor default insurance 5% to 10% more, states Willis Towers Watson.

Costly claims have brought stricter underwriting, Marsh reports. Carriers are not automatically granting extensions on the same terms for ongoing projects that take longer to be completed.

The Marsh report echoes the early 2021 analysis by Willis Towers Watson, which characterized the construction insurance market as one that "remains very difficult, with upward price pressures."

威利斯·塔斯·沃森(Willis Towers Watson)写道:“ Covid-19引起的经济衰退导致许多承包商预测较低的曝光基地;销售,工资,合同收入,车辆数量等。”“但是随着暴露量的下降,保险公司正在以日益增长或至少保持总体保费的速度提高利率。”

Builders’ risk capacity continues to shrink, too, says Marsh. Insurers “are rarely willing to guarantee pricing for more than 12 months” unless a client commits to specific projects for that time, the brokerage reports.

环境al coverage is likely to involve questions contractors have not faced before, with insurers cautious about risks involvingpolyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)and other long-lasting chemicals, and mold.

Some insurers are tacking on COVID-19 or communicable disease exclusions to contractor pollution-risk policies. Most insurers are adding the exclusions to liability policies. And, Marsh reports, project delays due to the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns are "straining" pollution policies approaching or exceeding their maximum insurance term.

Professional Liability: A Challenge

A comparative bright spot is professional liability coverage for contractors. Those firms with a good loss history can expect renewal increases of just 5% and 10%. Insurers also are not attaching COVID-19 exclusions to those types of policies.

Yet design-build can also present professional liability challenges for contractors. Underwriters, says Marsh, are scrutinizing public-private partnerships and fixed-price design/build projects, in which “contractors have suffered financial losses" due to the delivery methods. Those losses “can translate to professional liability claims,” says the brokerage.

保险公司伯克利建筑专业人员执行副总裁爱德华·L·谢菲尔(Edward L Sheiffele,Jr。18luck官网一次性或使用快速轨道项目。”

设计师的专业责任承保范围是不断发展的挑战。保险经纪人风险策略的建筑师和工程师实践负责人达伦·布莱克(Darren Black)说,并发症正在繁殖。


Climate change has already impacted the standard of care for design professionals, adds Andrew D. Mendelson, chief risk management officer of insurer Berkley Design Professional. He cites the complications of engineers designing for floods while FEMA flood maps are out of date.

工程is considered a scientific profession and there is an expectation that engineers should be able to anticipate the impact of climate change on aspects of resiliency in design, says Mendelson.

"If the tools they’re using are outdated or inaccurate," he says, "how can they be expected to design structures and infrastructure projects that withstand severe weather events? Consequently, professional liability claims have evolved from storm water management situations, such as downstream flooding from a site under development, where code requirements were met but were not sufficient to handle the storm."

Marsh写道,一般而言,向保险公司提交覆盖范围的提交将需要更详细和完整。威利斯·塔森(Willis Towers Watson)报道,价格更高,最终吸引了更多的资本和能力。