
建造业 长期以来,人们一直受到许多低效率的挑战。随着世界各地希望刺激其经济恢复的经济,对基础设施和建筑项目的投资对许多人来说已经处于最前沿 - 现在是建筑公司面对和解决其效率低下的时候了。18luck官网

来自我们的 key trends in the industry for 2021 我们指出,提高生产率仍然是该行业需要克服的主要障碍之一。但是,尽管没有一个适合解决此问题的一种规模,但所有准备过渡到更具动力,敏捷和有利可图的建筑公司的人都可以采用一些一般主题,该公司围绕采用最佳实践。

许多建筑公司一致认为最佳实践流程是确保其业务连续性的关键,但是通常有一个关于为什么这是一个初步的问题?最高水平 best practice ,“是一种通常被认为优于任何替代方案的方法或技术。。。产生优越的结果……或已成为做事的标准方式。”在将最佳实践应用于建筑行业时,我们问我们如何按时按预算和高质量地交付一个项目?


这re are three steps to a successful construction business transformation, your organization’s focus will determine the depth of your requirements, but in essence they are:


您需要了解如何更加agi通讯社le, increase visibility and gain actionable insights from your operations. With control comes the ability to better manage your operations and therefore the difference between profit and loss. The way forward is to eliminate the fragmented, multi-layered, disconnected business system architectures that are all too common and instead establish a single view with one version of truth. This will enable better project delivery performance, improved margins, increased productivity, better customer satisfaction rates and the ability to deliver a positive moment of service


While not relevant for all construction companies, for those who can embrace these new ways of working, offsite manufacturing, precasting and modular construction are great ways to iron out a number of commonplace inefficiencies. Fundamentally they allow you to operate in a more controlled environment that allows for a greater level of accuracy, utilizes more repeatable processes that reduce cost and improve speed and allow for more actionable insights as to how further improvements could be made.



在IFS Cloud上提供积极的体验

上面概述的三个驾驶主题应该是任何转型策略的核心,并且都是围绕采用最佳实践过程的想法而建立的,这些过程可提供明确,有形的好处。 IFS Cloud for Construction ,在3月推出,遵循此大纲,并以标准化为标准的最佳实践过程。

但是,这种可以在云中部署的单一解决方案在用户体验没有差异的情况下没有差异,具有一个额外的好处,这在建筑行业中通常会被忽略。IFS Cloud使用户能够提供积极的服务时刻,以使客户感到高兴 - 随着新的市场进入者和全球化的影响继续震撼建筑市场,比以往任何时候都更加重要。

有关更多信息,请下载交互式 IFS Cloud用于施工电子书