May 12-13, 2022
San Francisco

Presented by ENR Magazine and  Peckar & Abramson
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Presented by ENR Magazine and  Peckar & Abramson
Groundbreaking Women in ConstructionGWIC in the News

最好今年GDP增长自1984年以来见过,信贷苏isse Expert Tells Industry

来自内华达州运输和承包商MCO Construction的全球环境顾问ERM的妇女首席执行官来自ENR行业多样性会议,前行业首席执行官Ted Lower与前行业首席执行官Ted Lower学到的有关大流行后课程的见解。新利luck照片:Scott Blair for Enn新利luck





该公司预测2021年的GDP增长6.5%,“可能是我们1984年以来最强的,”她告诉观众at the eventsponsored by ENR and law firm Peckar & Abramson. Cook added that the 3% real GDP growth predicted in 2022 “is still a very healthy economic environment.”

“世界大流行看起来还不错。我们认为随着病毒的控制,我们看到了强劲的恢复,GDP增长了6.5%,[瑞士信贷]预测我们自1984年以来最强劲,而2022年的增长3%仍然是健康的经济环境。”- 瑞士信贷董事总经理兼首席建筑分析师Jamie Cook

The analyst said industry C-suite executives “have a higher level of confidence” that a federal infrastructure bill will pass, with Credit Suisse estimating enactment could come by year end. But she cautioned that “the industry is not prepared for this,” with ongoing unemployment benefits still keeping industry employees from returning to their jobs.


根据库克,公共和私营部门的反对struction rebound could bode well for more sector firm investment, adding that investors are also weighing whether and how companies meet stated commitments for workforce diversity and climate change reduction, among other environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets. “Firms that meet ESG are getting more attractive valuations,” she said.

Investors and analysts also are watching development of company bench strength below the C-suite and keeping future leaders motivated, said Cook. "It's important to me as I evaluate companies," she said.


厨师urged younger employees whose traditional workspace connections have suffered, to seek out mentors, "ones that you develop naturally, rather than because the company says so."


'Period of Inflection'

A panel of women chief executives of private and public sector industry employers also noted the pandemic-pushed ESG momentum and structural changes ahead.

"Those who hold the money are pushing and asking questions. What surprised us was the momentum [ESG] picked up during the pandemic. We need to define what that means for us, our businesses, our employees and the communities we work in."- Susan Angyal,首席执行官,ERM北美

“那些持有这笔钱的人正在努力并提出问题,”伦敦环境顾问ERM的北美首席执行官苏珊·安吉尔(Susan Angyal)说。她说:“令我们惊讶的是,它在大流行期间和现在的兴趣水平上获得的动力。” ESG问题“将在与新资本项目有关的决策中发挥更大的作用。我们需要定义这意味着什么意味着什么。18luck官网对于我们,我们的业务,我们的员工和我们工作的社区。

Kristina Swallow, director of the Nevada Dept. of Transportation and a former president of the American Society of Civl Engineers, noted the start of a "real period of inflection for the industry," particularly in the transportation sector. She said participants must "create opportunities to think differently" about projects ... "to insure we are engaging with adjacent communities, not just with those driving through."

Ann McNeill, CEO of Florida-based MCO Construction, said coping with the pandemic "has helped me as a business person to refocus on how we interact with people." Also founder and chair of the国家黑人妇女协会建筑协会,这使黑人妇女成为行业企业家,小型企业主,政府专业人员和领导人,敦促GWIC与会者在关键行业的利基市场中发展专业知识,并“已知”。

Gender Issues in Exec Career Paths: New Research

Even so, University of Maryland civil engineering department researchers Qingbin Cui, a professor, and PhD candidate Paul J. Hickey, an industry business strategy consultant and former AECOM business management director, found that women still face hurdles in gaining leadership status, according to recent study results they presented.

Based on a sample of 3,015 executives, they found that women held more positions on the way to senior jobs than men and have more advanced degrees. but fill just 14.2% of total leadership positions.

Their research, which cross-referenced data gathered from companies ranked on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list and individual professionals’ LinkedIn profiles, indicates that women work for an average of 4.1 different employers compared to men, who work for an average of 2.7—indicating that women change jobs more frequently than men to reach the executive level.

The study profiled information for 429 women executives and 2,586 men.

According to the research, 53.9% of woman in contractor leadership roles had an advanced degree while the same was true for only 31.2% of men. Women executive co-panelists Patricia Zugibe, CEO of Holt Construction, who has a law degree. and Yvette Stevens, vice president and director of economic inclusion at Gilbane Building Co., who is a professional engineer with an MBA, noted the advanced degrees as factors in their career progression.



But said Kasie Mathena, vice president at AECOM Hunt: “More stars need to align for women to be promoted to leadership roles."

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