judging from the dismay that apparently helped convince the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration to change its guidelines for employer-required COVID-19 vaccines—unlike the original guidelines, the latest revision won’t require employers to record adverse reactions in OSHA logs—the industry should keep a sharp eye out for what’s still to come from the agency.

一个新的全面的联邦紧急临时计划orary COVID-19 standard, currently being reviewed by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, could entail even more vexing complications than the recently issued vaccine reaction guidelines. Such emergency temporary standards, executive orders or guidelines already exist in 14 states, but it’s not clear what the Biden administration U.S. Labor Dept., of which OSHA is a part, will learn from those states.


确定可刻录的区别jury or illness and a reportable one, however, can involve subjective judgements.

Recordables, which require entries in a company’s log, are less severe and generally don’t involve hospitalizations or treatment with drugs or antibiotics.


The record-keeping issues will be important when OSHA issues the temporary emergency federal COVID-19 standard. The Associated General Contractors and other groups ask that the agency “align its protocols” with those issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The often-revised CDC guidelines have already generated a fair amount of confusion as understanding evolves of virus transmission and the effects of the vaccines.


Another measure is even more critical. A coalition of employers, through a comment paper prepared by their attorney, has asked for a separate record for virus-related events and illnesses. In other words, OSHA would exempt COVID-19 from OSHA Standard 1904: Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and put virus entries in a different history or list.

该想法部分基于雇主困难的报告,以及长时间花费的时间,以确定雇员之间的COVID案件是否与工作有关,并且属于雇主OSHA 300日志。这种单独的记录方法不会阻止检查。COVID-19案件将保密,但可以向员工或其代表提供个人身份信息。除了OSHA和地方或地区卫生官员以外,没有其他政党可以访问单独的记录。

Under California's emergency temporary COVID-19 standard, employers must contact local health departments when there are three or more COVID-19 cases within a 14-day period in the same workplace, and give health officials information about the employees. This approach would allow the separate log to be useful in contact tracing.


Employers can follow all the various and changing rules to prevent transmission, yet still have the virus carried into the workplace.

