

Regional revenue for all companies on ENR New York’s Top Design Firms list remained steady overall. In New York and New Jersey, 96 companies on the 2021 list reported $5.7 billion in revenue, compared with the $5.66 billion cited by 96 firms on last year’s list. In New England, the 58 ranked firms reported combined 2020 revenue of $2.19 billion in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Last year, New England’s 59 listed firms reported $2.4 billion in revenue.

Health care was strong in both regions—no surprise considering the flurry of activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the New York region, the top 10 firms in the health sector had combined revenue of $291.3 million in 2020, up a whopping 112% from $137.2 million in 2019. The top 10 firms in New England’s health care sector reported nearly $58.9 million in revenue, down 4.45% from $61.6 million reported last year.

新利luck新英格兰2021 Top Design Firms

School of Technology

French&Par18luck官网rello首席执行官Steven A. Tardy说,诸如纽瓦克的唐纳德·佩恩(Donald M.

In the New York region, the top 10 firms in some sectors tied to infrastructure reported an increase over the prior year. The highest ranking engineering firms saw combined revenue of $1.4 billion in 2020, growing 14.1% from $1.2 billion in 2019. In transportation, the biggest companies reported combined revenue of $1.6 billion, a year-to-year increase of 5.3%.

On the other hand, some infrastructure-related sectors in the New York region declined slightly. Revenue of top designers in the power sector fell by 3.4% to $262.4 million, compared with $271.7 million the year before. In the wastewater-solid waste category, revenue at the top 10 firms totaled $164.3 million, a 2.1% drop from $167.9 million the previous year.


JFK&M的爱德华·费恩18luck官网伯格(Edward Feinberg)表示,像这个52,000平方英尺的Covid-19纽约市卫生与医院公司卓越中心一样,卫生保健项目仍然是建筑行业的强大机会。

The top 10 firms recording transportation work in New England accounted for $618.1 million in work compared with $621 million the previous year, a decline of less than 1%. In New England’s power sector, the top 10 firms had revenue of $135.1 million in 2020, a 40.7% decline from $227.7 million in 2019. As for wastewater-solid waste, New England’s top 10 firms reported $136 million in revenue this year, a 4.9% decline from the $143.1 million reported last year.

ENR spoke to executives from design firms that appeared on the New England or New York regional lists. Their thoughts about industry trends and the future of construction have been edited for clarity and length.

How do you believe Biden administration policies will impact design and construction in New York, New Jersey and New England?

Rich Humann, CEO and president of H2M architects + engineers:政府已有明确的信号表明,联邦政府致力于在许多市场部门内支出,并恢复受到大流行影响的州,城市和地方政府的预算。总统签署的美国救援计划是一套1.9亿美元的一揽子计划,旨在提供急需的政府预算支持,尤其是纽约和新泽西州。当大流行袭来时,收入流的不确定性导致政府在多个层面上撤退,停顿,在某些情况下取消了资本项目和计划。18luck官网数十亿美元将填补这些预算空白,并允许资本计划重回正轨。最新的基础设施法案将向道路,桥梁,铁路和水/废水系统注入更多资金。

法国和帕雷洛同事首席执行官史蒂文·A·塔迪(Steven A. Tardy):对基础设施支出的需求得到了充分认可,基础设施投资法案的促进将促进整个三角洲地区的短期和长期经济增长。在功能上已经过时的基础设施和基础设施处于失修状态,是对经济的消耗,对公众来说是一个滋扰。基础设施支出将有助于减轻这些问题,从而通过提供必要的增长平台,同时提供所需的就业机会来促进经济。

Joseph Barbagallo, president of consulting, Woodard & Curran:We anticipate that engineering design and construction firms will see new requirements around procurement to address environmental justice and new incentives around renewable energy and green design and construction. Proposed infrastructure funding would drive public sector design and construction projects, but we are also monitoring increased requirements around energy code and decarbonization initiatives that have the potential to increase the cost of construction. Without incentives, that could have a dampening effect on the recovery in the private sector and associated design and construction opportunities.


Humann:Two of the most significant have been power and energy and water/wastewater. The commitment to renewable energy has been clear and is likely the top priority of the new administration. It is also a priority within our region. The Northeast has tremendous opportunity for wind turbine-generated power, especially along the coast from New Jersey to Massachusetts. The development of solar energy and battery storage systems are also playing an emerging role, helping round out major renewable initiatives. At the same time, drinking water and overall water quality continue to have a major focus at all levels of government. Particularly in the Northeast, where the regulatory authorities tend to lead the way nationally, current and emerging contaminants are driving the need to implement new and advanced treatment systems for water and wastewater.


Rutgers Newark校友中心是教育领域的另一个法国和Parrello项目。

迟迟:Opportunities likely to be generated by the advancement of an infrastructure bill include transportation, utility and education/school projects. While roads, bridges and railway projects may be at the forefront, continued spending on schools and new initiatives such as offshore wind are also likely to see a significant boost. In the private sector, we anticipate continued spending on warehousing and distribution centers and health care facilities as well as on multiand single-family residential development.


Edward Feinberg,Jacob Feinberg Katz和Michaeli Consulting Group LLC的合伙人:I definitely feel that the health care market will offer the biggest opportunities—especially with the COVID-19 virus—and also the suburban residential market.


French&Parrello在新泽西州的American Dream Mall和Entertainment Center上工作,该中心由于大流行而推迟了其2020年的盛大开业。




Barbagallo:Commercial development sectors like office buildings, retail and hospitality will be down for a while as the whole country continues to wrestle with the long-term effects of the pandemic.

Feinberg:The airport and hospitality markets have cooled down dramatically.

What key innovations helped you boost productivity or other metrics?

Humann:Our productivity has always been driven in large part by our ability to collaborate and coordinate. When we scattered, that natural coordination was lost. We invested a higher percentage of revenue into IT last year in order to better utilize collaboration software for design and coordination.


Barbagallo:We have seen increased productivity through innovations associated with remote field data collection across an integrated asset management technology platform, remote operations at our plant sites, new treatment technologies to maximize effectiveness within existing footprints for our clients and the use of drones and augmented reality tech for more efficient field data collection.


Ranked No. 7 on the New England Top Design Firms list and and No. 45 on the ENR New York ranking, Woodard and Curran served as lead consultant on the design-build team that completed a $16.4-million water treatment facility for the University of New Hampshire.



迟迟:We see the continued reopening of New Jersey state as a major boost to the economy and a benefit to the industry.

Barbagallo:The rebound post-COVID is being buoyed in the public sector through stimulus funding and in the private sector as a function of pent-up demand and a reduced workforce. This is providing opportunity across market sectors. We anticipate that the rebound will be driven primarily by policy, technology and innovation, with a pronounced focus on ESG principles, resulting in a new future for the industry that looks very different than the past.

Feinberg:我相信这个行业是非常slo反弹wly from COVID-19. I still receive many résumés from headhunters trying to place their clients in engineering positions.