建造managment software firm Procore Inc. sold 9.47 million shares for $67 each in a May 20 initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange. The technology startup and its bankers had marketed shares for $60 to $65 before its IPO, an exchange filing showed.


首席执行官兼创始人Tooey Courtemanche在一份声明中说:“ Procore的IPO是我们旅程中的重要时刻。”“即使我在二十年前创立了Procore,但感觉就像我们刚刚起步。建筑行业处于大规模数字化转型的早期阶段。我们很荣幸能站在这一转变的最前沿。”

The Carpinteria, Calif.-based company hadfiled for an IPO in early 2020但是推迟了由于19号大流行而引起的努力before re-filing a year later

“当我们去年停下来时,我们想确保我们的员工安全,我们可以依靠并支持[建筑]行业,帮助其努力并浏览将是非常不确定的时间,” Procore CFO保罗·兰德雷斯(Paul Lyandres)在交易开业后不久对ENR的电话采访中说。新利luck“随着开始变得更加清晰,我们开始看到世界回来,我们回到了我们为什么要公开的原始前提。”

That mission, both Lyandres and Courtemanche said, is to connect all facets of construction on a global platform to better manage project information from concept to delivery. An admittedly audacious goal.

"It's always just a question of how do we partner with folks to solve the most sets of problems?" says Lyandres. "That's why we have so many ecosystem partners that we integrate with. We partner with schools and trade unions. This [IPO] wasn't just about capital. It really was the need to partner [with investors]. This industry is complex, it's difficult. Technology is just one of the things that it needs to help push it to the next stage and next generation."

Founded in 2003 as Courtemanche was going through the experience of building his own home, the fledgling company initially offered to set up WiFi on the sites of its first customers to provide connectivity for project managers to use its cloud services. Today, Procore's platform is used by more than 1.6 million construction professionals in more than 125 countries.

一个通过Procore平台共享构建站点的现实捕捉照片和视频数据的技术合作伙伴是结构地点。首席执行官兼创始人马特·戴利(Matt Daly)表示,IPO的表现对建筑初创公司和合作伙伴公司之间建立更好的整合性是积极的。戴利说:“构建更好数据集成的唯一方法是建立和扩展建立它们的团队。”“这[IPO]是一件很棒的事情。”


"We are thinking about the investments we make today and how they pay off over the next five, 10 years," Lyandres says. "If that is not the type of company that you are trying to align with, then we are not the company for you to invest in today. Because we want the folks who are looking to hold the stock for 10 plus years."

总部位于明尼阿波利斯的总承包商Ryan Cos。建筑技术副总裁Michael Ernst表示,Procore的平台帮助它通过客观地展示哪些项目需要更多关注的能力来管理大流行。18luck官网

"Harnessing that information into intelligent dashboards and predictive analytics helped us pinpoint and support projects that were in crisis rather than supporting all our projects in the same way through COVID-19," Ernst said in a statement.

Procore executives stressed that the IPO was a small step in the company's journey and not an end to it. They also acknowledged the still daunting task of connecting so many still disparate systems to better manage information and move construction forward.

"I think we like to tell ourselves that there is a moment in time where we can achieve the mission," Lyandres says, "but we're also mindful that it is probably not in our lifetimes. There's just so much opportunity here."