Consensus-builder Doug Woods, the D in DPR Construction, died on May 19 at age 70. The cause was pancreatic cancer, according to a longtime colleague. Considered an enlightened leader, Woods was named a 2012 ENR Newsmaker for fostering collaboration, innovation and technology in construction.

1990年,伍兹,彼得·诺斯勒(Peter Nosler)和罗恩·戴维夫斯基(Ron Davidowski)共同创立了全方位服务的承包商,使用其名称的首字母缩写,这一举动被认为是非正统的。

“Doug was a visionary,” says Davidowski, currently on DPR’s board of directors and its secretary-treasurer. “He wanted to do things differently and to push the envelope,” he adds.

First Pure Contractor Job

DPR的第一个纯承包商工作是加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔市Argo Systems的450万美元,六个月的租户改善项目。其最大的项目是一个12亿美元的数据中心,对于仍然保密的客户。

2020年,DPR收入近$6.5 billion. This year, the firm ranks No. 10 on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list. From 11 employees in 1990, DPR, headquartered in Redwood City, Calif., has grown to a staff of 6,500 in 30 offices worldwide.

在他的ENR Newsmaker profile, Woods stated his grand ambition. "We don't want to just change construction,” he said. “We want to change the world."

An example of Woods' innovative spirit is DPR’s involvement in integrated project delivery—a contracting system under which the owner, designer and contractor share risk and reward. In 2007, when DPR entered into a commitment agreement with Sutter Health for a $320-million hospital in Castro Valley, Calif., there had never before been an IPD contract with 11 signatories. But DPR dove full tilt into the unusual delivery system.


Woods' protégé, George Pfeffer, is now president and CEO. He also is a member of DPR’s management committee and board of directors.



这一经验帮助DPR的领导和所有权过渡理念为奖励高性能的贡献者而不是亲戚而不是。DPR管理团队的30年成员彼得·萨尔瓦蒂(Peter Salvati)说,“道格是一个大动力”背后,发现人们有动力做好事并让他们成长。萨尔瓦蒂补充说:“他非常真实,有罐头态度。”

“Doug never seemed to accept the status quo,” says Tom Sorley, who retired last December as chairman and CEO of subcontractor Rosendin Electric. “A lot of the things DPR did, we mimicked at Rosendin.




• Conduct all business with the highest standards of honesty and fairness.


• Maintain a culture where doing the right thing is not only professed but also prized and practiced by all employees.



• Exercise common sense and good judgment.


The son of an engineer, Woods grew up in California in homes he helped to build. He majored in history at the University of California, Los Angeles. His interest led to his vision of improving construction. “He studied the past and learned from it,” says Davidowski.

Hugh Rice, senior chairman, retired, of FMI Corp., describes Woods, who was the guts of DPR's construction business, as a man of few words. “When Doug spoke, everybody listened because he was a serious sort, spoke with authority and didn’t mince words,” says Rice. “He was extremely well respected.”