
The Biden administration initially said the new OSHA rule would apply to other high-risk industries, possibly including construction, but during the approval process, decided it would be a health care industry-specific rule. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said other ETS rules may be forthcoming from OSHA but had no timeline for a rule involving construction.


OSHA发言人金伯利·达比(Kimberly Darby)说:“ OSHA将随着时间的推移更新此指南,以反映科学,最佳实践和标准的发展。”她说,指导强调,疫苗接种是保护工人的“最佳步骤”。


Labor groups praised the rule but also said more needs to be done for workers in construction and industries other than health care where work has been deemed essential and working from home is not an option.

AFL-CIO总裁理查德·特鲁姆卡(Richard Trumka)在一份声明中说:“在这一大流行中,卫生保健工作者最终将拥有可强制执行的OSHA保护措施,这将要求其雇主提供预防措施,以确保他们在工作中免于Covid-19。”但他补充说:“我们非常担心ETS不会覆盖其他行业的工人,包括肉类包装,杂货店,运输和矫正的工人,他们患有很高的Covid-19感染和死亡。”

Construction industry groups generally praised the emergency standard as applying only to health care.

美国相关总承包商首席执行官史蒂夫·桑德尔(Steve Sandherr)表示:“这与早期报告相比,新标准将适用于包括建筑在内的广泛行业。”“考虑到广泛采用冠状病毒疫苗,以及建筑行业自大流行以来,美国的AGC领导了广泛的联盟质疑对标准的需求,以及建筑行业一直在安全运营的事实。最终标准仅适用对于我们的协会和这个行业来说,卫生保健环境是一个重大胜利。”

The Construction Industry Safety Coalition—which includes AGC, the Associated Builders and Contractors and the National Association of Home Builders— issued a statement saying it is "pleased that the Biden administration and OSHA listened to the concerns and recommendations of the construction industry in formulating a COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard. OSHA made the right decision to issue an ETS to cover tasks associated with high-exposure risk levels and not construction operations, which are generally low risk."


The Park Ridge, Ill.-based American Society of Safety Professionals, which counts 36,000 safety professionals in its membership, said, "The emergency temporary standard is a necessary action that will help employers across the health care sector take vital measures to better protect some of our most vulnerable workers and ultimately save lives."

It added that "we are immediately making members aware of this emergency temporary standard and are working to ensure that its application in health care settings is understood.”