Procorehas added the first new features for its cloud-based construction management software platform since the firm's首次公开募股在五月。

Among them is Procore Preconstruction, a new tool that pulls together document management, drawings, 3D model data, design coordination, takeoff, estimating, prequalification, bid management, project costing and analytics tools into one cloud-based preconstruction platform.

”“这是针对所有者,总承包商和专业承包商量身定制的解决方案,他们有兴趣赢得和建立更多有利可图的项目。18luck官网Procore高级产品营销经理Aaron Lober说。

Lober said该公司最近收购Esticomhas been integrated into the Procore platform, with estimating and takeoff now integrated directly into its project job costing module. Allowing users to connect estimates from bids into financials and automatically create budgets and prime contracts was a long-term goal that's been delivered in this round of new features, he said.

魁北克承包商格里马德(Grimard)持续改进协调的托马斯·本克(Thomas Bencteux)说:“这是估计量和项目团队之间的沟通改善。”“我们曾经在项目开始时浪费时间重新创建预算,但是现在,我们刚刚转移到

Procorealso announced new tools for quantity take-offs and benchmarks within Procore Analytics. Building Information Modeling enhancements include a "follow me" feature in feature in Procore BIM that allows users to work together on design reviews and see exactly what each other are seeing in the model. Procore added a dynamic 2D views feature that makes it possible for any user to create 2D drawings of the design on the fly from the 3D model.


Jim Sinai, Procore senior vice president of marketing said the company has added new marketing teams and channel partners in Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. As part of its international expansion, a new action plans feature has been created within the software firm's cloud platform to help customers meet the needs of international standards such as ISO 9001 and keep them in compliance with regional safety standards.

Procore还宣布了与Lowe的Home Imprismement商店建立新的合作伙伴关系,该商店现在为美国的Procore客户提供5%至20%的分层折扣,以便在其商店和网站上使用Lowe的业务帐户购买。