As President Joe Biden proceeds in negotiations with a bipartisan group of 21 U.S. Senators on a wide-ranging infrastructure package, new information has emerged about major surface transportation legislation moving in the House on a separate path that could eventually become an important part of a broader multi-sector infrastructure bill.

这项耗资5470亿美元的《美国法》,这是清除了房屋运输和基础设施委员会on June 10, is heading for a late June floor vote.

一个更新后的版本of the massive highway-transit-rail bill, dated June 18, has a key addition: a revenue provision.

它呼吁将1480亿美元从联邦政府的普通基金转移到Aling Highway Trust基金中。该信托基金的高速公路帐户的总计包括1009亿美元和390亿美元的运输帐户。Politico

The bill, whose full title is the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act, is largely the product of House Democrats.

建造and transportation officials say the $148 billion would let the trust fund support the funding levels authorized in the INVEST Act.

美国相关总承包商的发言人布莱恩·图尔马尔(Brian Turmail)在一封电子邮件中说:“我们将看到该提案是否赢得了国会支持,尤其是鉴于越来越多的迹象,政府渴望通过[预算]和解进行新的基础设施投资处理而不是通过两党的方法。”

Congress has used similar funding shifts in other surface transportation measures in recent years. According to a Congressional Research Service report, since September 2008, Congress has transferred $158 billion to the trust fund, mostly from the general fund.

在这一总计中,根据《 2015年《美国地面运输法》)以及该法规的一年延长,总计836亿美元。该扩展计划于9月30日到期。

Susan Howard, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ program director for transportation finance, said via email that she isn’t yet certain how the broader infrastructure plan that is the subject of White House-Senate talks and the surface transportation measure will fit together.


Moreover, she says it is still “a guessing game in terms of what gets done in an infrastructure bill vs. budget reconciliation vs. [transportation] reauthorization.”

But Howard adds, “Regardless of what happens, it’s significant that Congress and the administration are willing to give this high level of attention to the nation’s transportation investment needs.”

在6月21日,白宫新闻秘书詹·帕塞基(Jen Psaki)的新闻发布会上,基础设施的谈判进行了好几次,他重复了拜登和其他政府官员的过去声明,这些声明在寻找基础设施筹资计划的“薪资”中,增加联邦汽油税不在桌子上。

She said in-person meetings with senators are likely during the week of June 21. “He’s ready to roll up his sleeves," Psaki said of Biden. "The door to the Oval Office is always open and he’ll be deeply involved and engaged in these negotiations over the coming days."

More broadly, she said that Biden “sees this as a process that has multiple paths forward, and the reconciliation process, which is already under way, being led by the budget committees in Congress, is an important part of that.“


She added that the senators’ proposal, about $579 billion in new funds over five years, is "nearly double” the final proposal that Republican senators advanced earlier in June. Biden turned down the GOP offer on June 8, saying it was too low. That ended those talks.



Psaki also said, “He does not feel the time is unlimited” and sees it as a matter of weeks remaining to get a deal done.