急于建立莫re than 450 miles of barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border by the end of 2020, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers expedited construction using a contracting approach that boosted the risk of higher project costs, the U.S. Government Accountability Office says in a new report.

在前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在2019年的“边境紧急紧急情况”命令之后加速建设,军团利用各种当局快速开始,包括授予工作“没有充分和公开的竞争,并授权承包商在定义关键要求之前开始工作”说。



The Corps had plans to award $11 billion in border construction contracts over five years. But about $9 billion worth was awarded after the Trump order, leading to the $10.6-billion total by September 2020.

The Corps awarded $4.3 billion in noncompetitive contracts and structured many awards to make sure that bollard wall panels were installed in the ground rather than requiring a full barrier system that included certain technology and electric components to be completed, the report says. Overall, by the end of 2020, there were about 69 miles of completed wall systems, GAO says.

According to Corps and Homeland Security Dept. statistics released in January, of the 453 miles of walls constructed, 351 miles were replacement structures, 55 miles were “secondary” structures and only 47 miles were new barriers where none had existed.



有争议的合同的定义价值为25亿美元,但最终耗资43亿美元。Under one contract, the Corps determined that while the contractor’s profit rate was 2.5% higher than the rate calculated based on regulations and guidance, it was fair given the wall panel delivery deadline of Dec. 31, 2020, GAO says it was told by a Corps official.

2018年至2020年签发的边境墙合同中约有88%授予了四个承包商,西南谷建筑商(Kiewit子公司);获得总数的26%;Slsco Ltd.和Fisher Sand和Gravel均获得21%;巴纳德建筑部门BFBC授予19%。其他十家公司被授予剩余的12%。



高recommended that the Corps reassess its acquisition strategy going forward. The Corps concurred with the recommendation and plans to conduct an after-action review to identify other approaches to respond to a national emergency.

罗伯特·梅塞利(Robert Miceli),兵团副局长和陆军布里格(Army Brig)。副司令理查德·海特坎普(Richard Heitkamp)将军告诉GAO,该机构“正在考虑”为“不可预测的”和“在很大程度上不确定的“紧急情况”中添加的紧急响应合同机制,这些紧急情况“更难以介绍合同具有响应能力的能力和专业知识。透明


大约100个环境团体have asked国会拨款委员会负责在明年的联邦预算中资助的资金,以减轻墙壁建设损失。

In a June 15 ruling, GAO said that the administration’s decision to halt border wall construction using Homeland Security funds appropriated by Congress to alter project scope in order to mitigate environmental damage and minimize effects on border communities is not illegal. “Delays in spending these funds in order to satisfy applicable statutory requirements are programmatic delays, not impoundments,” the agency said.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said he has committed $250 million from the state's budget to launch a state-run border wall construction program and directed the Texas Facilities Commission on June 18 to hire a program management firm to determine location and cost.

The effort also may involve private donations of funding and land that Abbott contends could allow construction of hundreds of miles of border wall.