U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm addressed workers, construction and design team leaders and others during her June 11 visit to the Townsite Solar Facility in Boulder City, Nev. Granholm said the solar plant is “the perfect example of how we can use the potential in clean energy to create good-paying union jobs that grow the economy, reduce energy bills and address climate change.” She added that jobs at the 232-MW DC/193.95-MW AC solar PV plant south of Las Vegas are representative of those that the Biden administration believes will result from its proposed American Jobs Plan. Currently supporting 480 construction trade jobs, the $250-million Townsite Solar facility is scheduled for completion by the end of 2021. It is co-located with one of the largest battery energy storage system projects ever built.

Granholm和Congresswoman Susie Lee(D-Nev。)由电工工人国际兄弟情谊主持;Busine-Developer Arevon是一家基于斯科茨代尔的可再生能源的全球提供商;和罗丹廷的可再生能源集团,为太阳能和风能项目提供规划,建筑和维修。18luck官网

- 大卫M. Brown


照片由Penta Building Corp.提供

Penta Buildage Group的Penta Cares Foundation,在拉斯维加斯最近的第16届年度慈善高尔夫经典期间为三个内华达州非营利组织筹集了15万美元。该活动欢迎300多家高尔夫球手和公司,供应商和物业的支持。Penta Cares能够捐赠50,000美元的三个非营利组织:Nevada儿童癌症基金会(NVCCF),妇女发展中心(WDC)和内华达军队支持联盟。PENTA CARES提出的年度资金有助于为每组各组支持关键服务。Penta Cares'年度慈善高尔夫经典自2005年以来南部内华达州非营利组织筹集了超过110万美元。

“我们每年都谦卑我们的客户,贸易伙伴和供应商在我们的年度慈善高尔夫经典的支持下,”Penta大楼集团总裁John Cannito John Cannito说。