得益于监视视频,照片,2018年的建筑系统调查以及1979年的原始计划,结构工程师将12.5层的Champlain Towers South Towers South Residential Condominium的一部分致命的渐进式崩溃的可能序列拼凑在一起在佛罗里达州的Surfside。但是,6月24日的启动事件使这位40岁的钢筋混凝土结构中的一支机翼(约150英尺长)仍然是一个谜。

KCE结构工程师的创始人,总裁兼首席执行官Allyn Kilsheimer说:“我正在试图找到扳机。”他正在调查Surfside镇的崩溃。


Thesurveillance videofrom a nearby building that has been widely studied starts a few seconds into the collapse. Kilsheimer, at the site since June 25, says he hopes other videos will surface, including one that shows the very beginning of the collapse. “That one video [we have] doesn’t give you a 3D view of the building,” he says.

collapsed condo in Florida

The wing of the residential building still left standing, looking from the east. The shear wall of the elevator-stair tower is in the center of the photo.
Photo by: Jeff Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Reinforced Concrete with Flat Plate Slabs

The reinforced concrete building has flat-plate floor slabs. Flat plates are relatively thin concrete slabs supported directly on columns. The building is lightly braced by shear walls.

视频显示,故障发生在建筑物的中央朝南周围,这是计划中的脂肪。L失败的长腿在足迹的北侧向西延伸至西。加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的结构工程教授杰克·莫赫尔(Jack Moehle)说:“在内部建筑物的建筑物中,失败可能开始更高,但在视频中不可见。”

The video also shows a “very rapid vertical collapse of the interior portion of the building, with relatively little apparent side sway,” says Moehle.

The north side of the long leg followed the south side collapse, almost immediately. “That is apparent from the video,” says Glenn Bell, a forensic structural engineer and director of Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures (CROSS-US), a division of the American Society of Civil Engineers' Structural Engineering Institute.


The video shows the east end standing for a short while after the midsection collapsed, gradually leaning toward the midsection. Likely there was an imbalanced load due to loss of support from the portion of the building that collapsed, which dragged the remaining portion sideways until its gravity load-carrying capacity was exhausted and it also collapsed, says Bell. In the second part of the collapse, the floors are a little offset from one another because of this effect, he adds.

original building

尚普兰塔(Champlain Towers South)于1981年完成。一个失败的理论是,在L-In-In-In-In-In-In-In-In-In-In-In-In-the建筑物弯道附近可能存在问题。
Imagery © 2021 Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO, IBCAO, Landsat / Copernicus, Google, Imagery © 2021 Maxar Technologies, Map data © 2021

Shorter Wing Left Standing

故障停在西方end of the midsection, near where the two legs of the L join, leaving the shorter leg of the L standing. The break was cleaner along the elevator and stair core on the southwest edge of the collapsed section, where there is a shear wall, says Bell.


Some observers, who have studied the collapse video and photos, the2018 field survey report结构工程师弗兰克·莫比托(Frank P.

The deck sits over the one-level-basement parking garage, which fills the entire site, including and beyond the building’s footprint. The structural engineer for the development was Breiterman Jurado & Associates.




Repair Estimate

在他的报告尚普兰塔公寓association, Morabito estimated the price of needed repairs at $9.1 million. The estimate for remediating the garage, the entrance and pool deck was the most expensive line item, with a cost of roughly $3.8 million. Remediation of the building’s façade would require an additional $3.2 million, according to Morabito. The repairs, which were planned for 2021 back in 2018, had just begun when the collapse occurred.

There are at least three theories about the trigger of the progressive collapse, beyond the pool deck slab: column failure, slab failure due to punching shear or failure of the pile foundation system, perhaps under the pool deck. Kilsheimer, Bell and others speculate there may have been more than one contributing factor, as in a perfect storm.

Progressive failure is caused either by columns that fail axially due to axial over-stress or shear damage that progresses to axial failure or punching shear failure, says Moehle.


如果没有持续的底部加固the slab passing over the columns—a detail not required in 1981—then the slab can move downward relative to the column, redistributing load to adjacent slab-column connections, which in turn can fail. A slab that eventually lands on the floor below it overloads that floor system, and there is more punching shear, says Moehle, who has done extensive testing of concrete structures.

If the columns were the trigger, then it is likely but not certain that the collapse started at the bottom of the building where the axial loads are largest, adds Moehle. If it was the slab-column connection, then the failure could have started just about anywhere in the building and progressed downward in a vertical collapse that extended across the floor and down to the base.

collapse circle


Some photos of the debris suggest that the collapse involved, at least as a secondary mechanism, punching shear failures. “This could have been a secondary aspect of the collapse, with the primary cause of the collapse being something else,” says Moehle, who adds that his observations are “very preliminary speculation.”


One area of the pool deck simply ended up a level down, columns and all, with no sign of punching shear. It is possible that the pile foundations under that area sank because of the opening up of sinkhole or some other factor. The lowered deck could then have pulled down the rest of the structure.


“It will be a long time before this has been thoroughly studied and thoughtfully considered” to give engineers the confidence to draw lessons about what happened, says Moehle.

ENR Editor Scott Judy contributed reporting for this article.