已故建筑师Helmut Jahn的最后一个设计可能是芝加哥南部环路的1000m住宅塔,这是在芝加哥计划委员会批准的修订计划下恢复建筑的障碍。

The commission gave the go-ahead on June 17 for the reconfigured tower at 1000 S. Michigan Ave. The design now calls for apartments instead of the original condos, but that change still must be approved by the city council.

建筑公司Jahn,他的namesake principal recently died,将建筑物的高度降低了27英尺,并将其更改为738套公寓,而不是原本计划拥有的521公寓。在新设计下,该建筑物仍将是Jahn在芝加哥最高的,位于805英尺,而不是原始计划中的832英尺。

建造by contractor James McHugh Construction Co. began in 2019 but was halted a year ago during the pandemic. Construction financier Goldman-Sachs had finished paying for the foundation work on the $470-million structure but declined to finance it further due to concerns about the city's changing real estate market.

Francis A. Greenburger, chairman of New York City-based Time Equities, one of three developers on the project, along with JK Equities and Oak Capitals, said that apartments rather than condos would be the right way to move forward.

“Market experts have told us that comparable high-amenity luxury buildings are in demand and renting briskly,” he said.



Greenburger predicts financing will be finalized and construction will begin later this year or early 2022.


He said Time Equities is looking forward to advancing the project despite one of the biggest hurdles faced in the last year, which was the loss of Jahn, 81, who was killed in a bicycle accident in May.

“He will be greatly missed,” Greenburger said. “But we look forward to carrying his legacy forward with the completion of 1000M.”