Even as uncertainty clouds the future of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects across the world, construction on the estimated $31-billion LNG Canada project in British Columbia is moving ahead.

The biggest private-sector investment in Canada history, in its third year of construction, LNG Canada has faced COVID-19 delays and cost overruns.

项目合资承包商Fluor Corp.和JGC Corp.以及分包商Soletanche Bachy Canada,今年春季在其估计的180亿美元出口码头在卑诗省基蒂马特(Kitimat)完成了第一阶段,该项目位于温哥华以北405英里的主要组成部分。

LNG Canada is a joint venture of Royal Dutch Shell plc, Petronas, Mitsubishi Corp., PetroChina Canada Ltd. and Korea Gas Co. and local units.

Also part of the project is the estimated $5-billion, 670-km Coastal GasLink pipeline being built by TC Energy to transport gas from northern B.C. fields to the terminal. Other LNG Canada costs include investments in upstream natural gas infrastructure.


6月份运送到该项目在基蒂马特港(Kitimat Harbour)的新卸载港口的交付是345吨,50米 - 高的低温热交换器和两个稍小的单元,可将气体转换为液体以进行出口。液化天然气加拿大说,上个月的机组上个月将设备3公里移至主站点上的自行式模块化车辆。

CEO Peter Zebedee termed the delivery a “significant milestone.” With construction set to begin its peak next year, work could require up to 7,500 workers in rotating shifts.

瑞士信贷领先的建筑部门研究分析师杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)在6月23日的投资者票据中说,该项目“完全员工”作为大流行病,承包商没有预期与固定价格合同有关的资产负债表。她说,工程和采购的完成“是重要的”,因为它从商品价格通货膨胀和返工中“降低风险”的荧光。



澳大利亚的Woodside Petroleum Ltd.和Chevron Canada Ltd.最近退回了加拿大液化天然气的财政支持。2020年全球能源监测仪报告列出了13个取消的加拿大液化天然气项目。18luck官网

Pieridae Energy Ltd. CEO Alfred Sorensen said In a7月2日声明,截至6月30日,这家总部位于卡尔加里公司计划的81亿美元的Goldboro LNG出口码头在新斯科舍省的81亿美元及其努力促进它的努力“无法满足所有关键条件,但开发商“尽管无法满足所有关键条件做出最终投资决定所必需的。”

The project was set to import Alberta natural gas for shipment to Germany, and Sorensen noted strong LNG demand in Europe and high global prices. Pieridae had signed an agreement with Bechtel last year for fixed-price engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning services.


But a recent Canada Energy Research Institute report said energy demand rises with economic recovery, and nuclear and renewable power cannot support that alone.

“LNG is one piece of the energy system that will be required to achieve global climate-change goals,” said LNG Canada in a statement last month.