
Dodge Data&Analytics首席经济学家Richard Branch说:“随着疫苗接种率的提高,经济复苏继续提高速度,个人继续恢复了'正常'生活。”“但是,相比之下,建筑部门的恢复更加谦虚和不均匀。随着项目延迟延迟,材料价格上涨,劳动力短缺和物流问题为建筑业带来了挑战性的环境。”

Dodge reports the value of overall construction starts through May is roughly even with that of the first five months of 2020. Residential construction continues to be “the star,” says Branch, up 19% year-to-date. While single-family structure starts remain strong, multi-family housing is on the upswing as well, with projects such as the $500-million Fulton Street mixed-use project in Brooklyn, N.Y., and the $232-million Travis Residential tower in Austin breaking ground in the second quarter of this year.


行业咨询公司PSMJ Resources的高级校长David Burstein还指出了住房部门的实力,因为它在过去四个季度中第三次对公司的季度市场预测提高了建筑市场的调查。Bustein说:“这个市场仍然很炎热,因此在可预见的未来,我们不会看到活动放缓。”




Consultant Rider Levett Bucknall reports that construction costs have increased 2.9% in the second quarter, the largest quarterly growth that the firm has recorded in its 20 years of data analysis. “With the rollout of nationwide vaccinations allowing human activity to begin to return to ‘pre-pandemic normal,’ construction cost inflation lost no time in making its presence felt,” says Julian Anderson, president of the firm.

当季度增长是“惊人的”,erson notes the year-over-year figure is more modest, at 4.35%. “The question will be whether the second quarter numbers are simply a catch-up or are actually a harbinger of a new round of price increases,” he says. “My sense is that there is a little of both, and that construction escalation for 2021 will end up in the range of 6% to 7%.”


IHS Markit的经济经理Deni Koenhemsi说,经过数月的价格,木材泡沫开始流行。她说:“围绕需求的紧迫性正在消散,因为许多人将支出转移到家外部 - 进食,外出就餐和其他活动,他们在大流行期间无法做。”“买家正在抵制仍然高于规范的价格。”

- 瑞奇(Richard)分支,首席经济学家,道奇数据与分析

该公司的第二季度预测预测,2021年软木木材价格的总涨幅为70.2%,比第一季度的19.2%增长了19.2%。随着大流行的退缩,预计在2022年有34.8%的下降。IHS Markit说,今年胶合板的价格将上涨39.8%,这是第一季度预测9.6%的增长。然而,这种增加将在2022年大部分消失,预计预期下降了28.4%。

Steel prices have been on the rise as well, with the company forecasting a 30.9% hike for reinforcing bars in 2021. Prices for structural shapes will see similar increases, at 31%. “In the U.S., we see price increases due to supply-chain issues and increases in the prices of scrap,” says Christos Rigoutsos, IHS Markit senior economist. “Most mills have low availability and are sold out one to two months ahead. Domestic sellers’ favorable position has yet to deter buyers, and demand is firm. Longer lead times have made imports unattractive as customers are reluctant to lock in orders at such high prices.” Similar to lumber, IHS Markit’s second quarter forecast says 2021’s soaring prices will fall in 2022. Rebar is set to drop 14.4%, with prices for structural shapes down 17.4%.

Looking at Labor

“工党认为,这正在从健康危机中脱颖而出,在设定工作条件和薪酬水平方面具有更强大的声音,” ConstructConnect首席经济学家Alex Carrick说。“在几乎每个领域,在最前沿的建设中,许多谈话中心都以创纪录的职位空缺数量,但在用合格人员填补职位方面极度困难。”最新的建筑劳动研究委员会关于工会劳动力成本的报告显示,锅炉制造商的薪酬领先优势为每小时70.62美元,比平均水平高19%。18luck.cub屋顶工的工资比平均水平低22%,为45.95美元。西南太平洋地区的工资率是美国地区的最高工资率,为69.45美元,比最低地区的中部地区高76%,为39.42美元。

Formula for Creating ENR Indexes


