Daniella Levine Cava说,救援行动于7月1日在佛罗里达州佛罗里达州的Surfside公寓暂时停止,这是由于“结构性关注”对12层住宅塔楼的稳定性的“结构性担忧”,该塔楼稳定在6月24日的部分倒塌后仍在站立。迈阿密戴德县市长在新闻发布会上。


“We’re proceeding for likely demolition of the building,” the mayor said July 1. “This is the decision we need to make extremely carefully … as we consider the impact and how to best manage the demolition.”

莱文·卡瓦(Levine Cava)谈到恢复救援工作时说,结构工程师“新利luck花了一些时间研究事情是安全的。”“我们的消防救援团队正在全天候工作,我们需要现场的工程师来评估安全性。”她补充说,一组工程师正在使用无人机来帮助识别倒塌区域的危险区域。

“他们在一个非常非常不安全的环境中工作,”迈阿密戴德消防救援at a press conference shared on social media. He said the shutdown was the result of a hanging column that threatened to destabilize the remaining structure.

KCE结构工程师的创始人,总裁兼首席执行官Allyn Kilsheimer正在调查Surfside镇,他在恢复救援工作之前对ENR表示:“他们看到碎片中的某些运动并正在评估。”新利luck

暂停救援是同一天,但not related to President Joe Biden visiting the site and holding a briefing with Gov. Ron DeSantis and Levine Cava. Later in the day, Biden pledged federal funds to cover all state and county costs. “I am committed not only to recover but to restore safety across the board,” he said.

partial collapse在40年历史的尚普兰塔(Champlain Towers)南部,该公寓参与了必要的40年重新认证过程,而这场悲剧已经触及了工程师和州官员就需要更广泛甚至更早的检查计划的讨论。

佛罗里达工程学会执行董事和佛罗里达州美国工程公司委员会的执行董事艾伦·道格拉斯(Allen Douglas)告诉ENR,需要在40年之前进行检查,并且重新认证计划应在全州范围内进行。新利luck

迈阿密戴德(Miami-Dade)和布劳沃德县(Broward Counties)是佛罗里达州67个县中仅有的两个,有重新认证的要求。道格拉斯说:“我们没有官方职位,但是……这些建筑物需要早日检查。”

Florida state Sen. Jason Pizzo issued a statement recommending that inspections should take place after 20, not 40 years, particularly for buildings built in the late 1970s and early 1980s during a coastal condo-building boom. Pizzo also advocates that the recertification requirement should be adopted statewide.

道格拉斯说,尚普兰塔楼的建筑类型 - 佛罗里达州很常见。他估计,仅在迈阿密戴德县,可能会有700栋这样的建筑物。

Levine Cava announced June 29 that she is assembling a team of building experts in engineering, construction and soil analysis to grow county-wide building safety.