美国能源部希望利用久经考验的施工方法,以降低成本和安排新的核反应堆的风险,并与GE Hitachi核能合作展示了三种技术,合并后可以将成本降低超过10%。18luck.cub

“为了使高级核能发挥其潜力,我们必须使其更实惠和可扩展,”美国能源部爱达荷州国家反应堆创新中心主任阿什利·芬南(Ashley Finan)说。




GE Hitachi团队还将进一步推进由英国的Caunton Engineering和Modular Walling Systems在苏格兰开发的“钢砖”模块化钢制建筑系统,DOE说,该系统可以显着降低施工期间的劳动力需求,并更好地满足某些腐蚀要求核电厂。砖块仅作为矩形制造,但团队将开发一个圆形的原型。




母鹿is seeking $1.8 billion in 2022 for its Office of Nuclear Energy, a 57% increase over past requests, and in line with President Joe Biden’s view that nuclear power will play an important role in combating the climate crisis, said Katherine Huff, principal deputy energy secretary for nuclear energy, in a statement.

She said that the request puts a tremendous emphasis on scaling up the commercial deployment of smaller and more flexible advanced reactor designs. The request includes nearly $700 million to help drive advanced reactors to market by 2030

“The administration believes that we must prioritize activities that preserve the existing fleet of nuclear reactors, deploy advanced reactor technologies and expand nuclear energy to markets beyond electricity if we intend to meet our ambitious carbon reduction goals,” Huff said.

有20多家公司正在开发高级反应堆,其中包括GE Hitachi,该反应堆正在开发高级模块化水冷却反应堆和非冷却反应器。其他公司包括Westinghouse,Holtec International,Nuscale Power和X-Energy。

母鹿has awarded a number of contracts to support development of nuclear reactors, including $80 million each for two non-water-cooled projects, TerraPower and GE Hitachi’s project using molten sodium metal as a coolant and X-energy’s design to use pressurized helium gas as coolant. The projects could receive between $400 million and $4 billion during the next seven years, the agency said.

TerraPower said on June 2 that it will build a 345-MW demonstration project of its Natrium advanced nuclear power technology, developed with GE Hitachi, at a former coal power plant site in Wyoming, at an estimated cost of $1 billion. Its design, licensing, procurement and construction will be managed by Bechtel.

x能量计划中方ld a four-unit, 320-MW advanced nuclear plant in Washington state. It signed an agreement in April with Toronto-based Kinectrics to advance the design and deployment of X-energy’s Xe-100 small modular reactor (SMR) in Canada, the U.S. and worldwide.

GE Hitachi团队的成员开发了三种建筑技术,包括工程公司Black&Veatch,田纳西谷管理局,Caunton Engineering,电力研究所,普渡大学,Purdue University,Modular Walling Systems,University of North Carolina和核先进制造业研究中心。