今年夏天,美国土木工程师学会的结构工程学院预计,公众评论将发布美国第一个共识标准的草案,以解决结构不成比例的崩溃。根据咨询工程师兼委员会主席唐纳德·奥·杜森伯里(Donald O.

“我们从头开始。”杜森伯里说,他在辛普森·古普特兹(Simpson Gumpertz&Heger)45年后于1月份退休。他补充说:“我不相信美国有类似的东西。”

The public comment period will be open for a minimum of 45-days, per ASCE rules. The plan is to publish the standard next year.


The draft of the standard defines disproportionate collapse as “characterized by a pronounced disparity between the original cause and the ensuing collapse of a major part or the whole of a structure.”

The timing of the release of the draft is unrelated to the June 24 partial progressive collapse of the 12-story Champlain Towers South residential condominium in Surfside, Fla. Investigators, who say it could take years to pinpoint the original cause of the failure, also are probing whether the debacle fits the definition of a disproportionate collapse.






Another is to isolate different structural systems, perhaps through expansion joints or other means. That strategy may be most useful in a long, low building, where the failure might propagate horizontally, says Dusenberry.