Peter Tateishi, CEO of Associated General Contractors of California is urging state politicians to vote no on a senate bill with language that would require the University of California to place all construction funds into an escrow-like account with the state controller until the system and an unnamed "third party" can certify that approved union members are being hired for all service work, such as landscaping, custodial and food service, at all UC facilities.

Tateishi在6月24日给加利福尼亚州参议员Nancy Skinner和John Laird的信中写道:“如果采用采用,这样的提案无疑会阻碍加州大学为医疗/医院设施​​,学生住房和地震翻新项目等关键资本项目提供资金和关18luck官网键资本项目的能力。”以及集会成员Phil Ting和Kevin McCarty。

问题是SB 132的第67条,这是一项高等教育法案,是《 2021年预算法》的一部分。该法案(包括第67条)目前正在加利福尼亚州参议院进行,并在7月7日的会议上接受州议会预算委员会。

UC的建筑项目资本财务计划从2020 - 26年开始,代表着未来五个财政年度的各个校园18luck官网,卫生中心和其他部门的资本需求560亿美元。UC总统办公室发言人瑞安·金(Ryan King)表示,SB 132第67条将影响该计划的全部560亿美元项目。18luck官网



In support of Section 67 is the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3299, the University of California’s largest employee union, representing more than 27,000 service workers. According to the budget committee website, the union says the proposed language in Section 67 “comes after six years of University of California efforts to continue outsourcing service jobs despite prior legislative actions” and despite previous agreements, the “university has nonetheless continued to outsource thousands of custodial, food service, grounds keeping, sterile processing, medical assistant and other jobs.”


他说:“如果颁布,SB 132第67条中的这种语言将在我们的地点进行当前的建设项目,随着该州继续从共同引起的衰退中恢复,将持有近78亿美元的关键经济活动。”18luck官网

UC already certifies that it is not hiring outside contractors for service work (pursuant to SB 820, a bill passed in September 2020) in compliance with the law and remains committed to insource contracted work.


SB 132和第67节不太可能再次被接管,直到八月,夏季休息了一个月之后

对于这个故事,无法达到AFSCME Local 3299。