More and more asset owners are seeking to outsource maintenance for their assets over the whole lifecycle. Service or facilities management contracts are often offered by construction companies for assets they, or another, contractor has built.

IFS Infocenter

面临着资本项目的利润递减,C18luck官网OVID pandemic disruptions and sporadic revenues, this new Servitization business model throws construction firms a lifeline. However, “contracting for outcomes” arrangements require a complete change in mindset: construction firms must now manage complex, but potentially lucrative, performance-based contracts and accurately model whole-life costs.

This article looks at the opportunities presented by delivering the全资产生命周期业务模型,所需的变革性数字旅程以及企业软件能力公司必须拥抱才能竞争。

Construction meets Operation and Maintenance

Traditionally, construction projects would be delivered and managed in two phases, typically by different companies. The construction phase is financed by capital expenditure: a project is designed, planned, costed, procured, contracted and built. Once complete, a handover usually takes place to another company to operate and maintain the built asset, financed as operating expenditure.

但是越来越多的人看到了这种鸿沟的改变。面对低部门的利润率,高风险和建筑资产的最低利润,总承包商意识到,一旦资产完成,他们就会离开桌子上的更多资金。运营和维护资产的合同不是微不足道的款项。由于大多数资产的寿命跨越了数十年,因此需要维护,翻新和可能重新配置。建筑物维护和维修的年收入通常在每平方英尺的建筑物空间中为$ 1.40- $ 1.85。1Using the average replacement asset value (RAV) metric, best practice annual spending on industrial asset maintenance costs is 3% or less.2因此,可以合理地得出结论,建筑物的维护合同通常落在每年总资产总成本的3-5%之内。在平均寿命和使用方面,最近的一项研究研究了其主人拆除最高的100座建筑物,发现他们的寿命平均为4新利luck2年。3


Profitability in the sector no longer resides in creating a building or asset, but rather delivering a total package spanning integrated project and lifecycle management. It’s an opportunity for constructors and manufacturers to significantly grow their business with exciting, long-term new revenue streams. It is no coincidence a recent report by McKinsey estimates construction sector disrupters could share a $265 billion annual profit pool.4


在公共部门和私营部门中,越来越多的资产所有者正在朝着基于服务和基于结果的模型发展。Just as the aviation sector has embraced ‘power by the hour’ contracts for aircraft engine flying uptime, so we can potentially envisage parallel scenarios for the build and operation of assets: for instance, hospital or hotel contracts being awarded based on quotas for a guaranteed annual availability of usable beds or rooms.

还有下游影响。分包商,例如供暖,通风和空调公司,可以为项目中安装的系统的持续操作,维护和可用性定价。给建筑商对其建筑资产​​的造型责任的一些有趣的后果围绕着寿命,质量,生存能力和维护成本。最终将交出建筑物的建筑商在最大程度地减少客户的全寿命成本或总拥有成本的总成本方面没有既得利益。18luck.cubConversely, if a company will be operating and maintaining the building for its lifetime, it’s in their interest to design and build it in a way that delivers maximum efficiency and sustainability, minimal degradation, and is easy and cost-effective to run, maintain and repair. The net outcome of this model is that clients enjoy the best value from their investment over its lifetime.


The role of digitalization and enterprise software

Globally, construction companies providing lifetime operation and maintenance services are currently rare. In the UK, in contrast, probably 20 per cent of UK construction companies now also offer facilities management business units. Of those that do, the adoption of transformative digital technologies, and in particular industry-honed enterprise software, are playing a pivotal role in realizing a servitized (service-based) offer.


The impact of off-site manufacturing

Construction-integrated manufacturing (offsite or modular manufacturing)看到工厂制造的模块和组件运送到要组装和安装的施工站点。接受这种方法的新进入者已经在破坏传统的建筑空间。


To embrace this shift to modular construction, traditional contractors must change radically. They must be able to implement effective supply chain management, track inventory and co-ordinate the delivery prefabricated parts. Software such as IFS Cloud lets companies plan and optimize operations, standardize processes, and manage all the external parties involved in project design, manufacture, engineering and logistics.


Two of the biggest barriers to bidding for fixed-price maintenance contracts that may run for many years surround accurately understanding and quantifying cost and risk.

A 3D digital BIM model is about more than just design. Effectively creating a digital twin, the latest BIM technologies can also factor in other dimensions such as time and scheduling to inform construction. BIM models also allow accurate Lifecycle Analysis, a cradle-to-grave assessment of the environmental impact of a product, asset or service.

Already, we can see the opportunity to integrate directly to an ERP, allowing operation, maintenance and refurbishment elements to be calculated from the model data when tendering.The IFS solution already allows the BIMasset data to be integrated into all stages of the asset lifecycle process.

construction beams and workers


Finally, becoming a sector disrupter need not necessitate a disruptive transition. One of the most attractive facets of the best-of-breed enterprise software approach is that a traditional construction company, having embraced IFS Cloud for building assets, can rapidly evolve when ready to deliver best-practice asset lifecycle operation, maintenance and service. Any required management, operational and other capabilities are simply added via seamlessly integrated modules, rapidly delivering sustainable business value through profitable and diversified new asset lifecycle revenue streams.