

I-81,于1968年完成, was part of the the Federal Highway Act massive infrastructure initiative, begun in the 1950s, to unify the country via national freeways. But alesser goal was to eradicateso-called slums and ghettos. Such projects were "routed to do lasting damage to black communities," U.S. Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg said at a June press conference in Syracuse.


“Every detail of reconstruction must work in concert to rebuild the community that this highway destroyed," Lanessa Owens Chaplin, an assistant director at the New York Civil Liberties Union, said in July 19 statement to ENR in response to the new documents.

"Our community members must be protected from the onslaught of noise during construction, our schoolchildren must not be a stone’s throw from the pollution of a highway ramp, and residents must have a say in how the new public space is returned and used in their community," she said.

社区网格选项将拆除Renwick Ave附近的桥梁和I-81/I-690互换之间的现有高架桥。新的道路将通过城市电网驱散交通,包括新的行人和自行车设施,并创建一个新的商业环路,称为“ BL 81”。

居民,直到业务9月14日结束weigh in on the project and ask for further changes. They can comment via an electronic form that foundhere;通过在项目热线1-855-481-8255上留下语音邮件;或在八月参加虚拟或面对面的公开听证会。

To attend the virtual hearings on Aug. 17, register在此网站上。面对面的听证会将于下午4点举行。下午6点8月18日在纽约州锡拉丘兹的South State St. 800号。