


The first weakness is in the seven BIM dimensions, which are currently a plan view (2D), geometrical shape (3D), scheduling (4D), estimating (5D), sustainability (6D) and facility management (7D). Although these dimensions are often thought in separate and vertical ways, the construction sector is not neatly divided to fit them. Construction and building management is most often thought of as design, construction and management. This is the reality to which BIM has to return.



Next, let's think about design dimensions, such as sustainability. In several countries, there are national or international programs with standard parameters to monitor sustainability or general energy consumption and a schedule of parameters which requires static and dynamic simulation, analysis and reports. Each of these parameters is also linked with cost and monitoring.


So, to our way of thinking, sustainability is not a dimension but a design aspect like every other discipline.



So all that data can't come from the seventh dimension alone, unlinked to other aspect of the building's creation. Every digital analyses of the building's design and construction are linked with the facility stage, and if it isn't done at first, it will be needed in the near future.


Today, the average car has sensors which constantly monitor its performance. Real-time building monitoring has to be considered in the BIM digital world. What we now call the facility dimension of BIM shall become, in the near future, the real-time dimension, where the stream of information that goes to and from the building becomes the building's digital twin.


已经有一些例子,数字的双胞胎s and real-time BIM are used successfully, such as in sensor-filled tunnels and bridges. From bridge monitors, the managers get daily reports about structural stresses and special messages with information about critical situations. The same could be done in highrises, museums and hospitals. Facility strategies, including maintenance, will have to be considered in the design phase. Monitoring will reduce costs and time needed for extraordinary maintenance.

Reducing the number of BIM dimensions to reflect the actual construction process will provide a deeper, clearer and more realistic link with the construction sector. Assigning the right dimension to the right stage(s) of construction and building operations will be important. While implementing BIM in the ways we recommend may consume more resources initially, the benefits will allow a more efficient use of those finite resources.

Nicola Ianeselli, BIM lead for BEC Industries; Riccordo Coccoluto, BIM coordinator at Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura; and Massimo Purin, BIM expert for Italy’s LFAGroup and Sebastiano Fabrizio Muscolino, BIM Expert for eFM spa., can be reached at nianeselli@becgrid.com.