Is it possible for a redevelopment effort to foster social healing? Planners in Pittsburgh are banking on it, with a soon-to-start project in the city’s Lower Hill District. The goal is to connect that area to the rest of the Hill, as well as with Downtown—while healing old wounds that have been smarting for more than 50 years.

Surface parking lots currently occupy the area that will be a mixed-use development of office space and housing, anchored by a park amidst it. The development aims to build a more inclusive community by redressing old grievances and building a new mini-neighborhood that will provide a sort of gateway into the Hill, near the city’s hockey arena.



现在,在十年前的旧竞技场及其在附近的新舞台上取代之后,该地点的开发工作正在进入宅基地。涉及社区的包容性努力的产物是本月占地28英亩的开发场所。它将由FNB Corp.的2.2亿美元总部锚定。

But that’s just the first phase of the project, which is a community-minded revitalization led by the Pittsburgh Penguins in cooperation with Pittsburgh’s Urban Redevelopment Authority, FNB Corp., and the project’s developer, Buccini Pollin Group. PJ Dick is the contractor.

该项目将开发竞技场站点,并在山区发展更多的发展,这通常是匹兹堡一个贫穷的社区。该区域将与正在建设的579号州际公路盖一起重新连接到市中心。该项目将设有Crosstown Expressway上方的公园,这是一个相当令人生畏的小路,这对于行人来说是一个障碍。公共开放空间将包括一系列梯田区域和阶梯式道路,并在下山上过渡。未来计划的城市开放空间将继续在克劳福德街(Crawford Street)结束的Wylie Avenue。


此外,随着Wylie Avenue的扩展,重建了1960年代的掠夺性的城市网格。

Diamonte Walker, deputy director of Urban Redevelopment Authority, is upbeat about the project.

“作为希尔地区的居民,对我来说,我们重要的是我们扎根于历史,但同时确保我们将繁荣的弧线弯曲到今天的山山区居民。我是第五代山区居民,所以我都投资了沃克说:“个人和专业。保存现有文化,当前山地利益相关者愿景的包容和表现是重要的,有价值的。我相信,尽管这一项目使我们到目前能够在社会,政治,经济和文化层面上受益于山丘的能力。我对当前对希尔地区领导的现行配置具有极大的信心,以确保这种情况的发生。当您查看山丘当前的社区领导the development team, elected leaders representing the district, and the current URA board leadership, it is as though the stars have aligned to give the Hill District a恢复邻里振兴的真正机会。”

匹兹堡企鹅首席运营官凯文·阿克林(Kevin Acklin)指出,重建工作的这一阶段是大型包装的一部分。

阿克林说:“ FNB金融中心只是下山重建的第一阶段,将作为催化剂,以促进将山区重新连接到市中心。”“我们正在追求一项全面的10亿美元发展,吸引了向城市中心注入私人资本投资,并将产生数千个即时建筑工作,并增加数千个永久性的工作。”

Acklin补充说:“我们还在(计划)停车结构来容纳PPG油漆竞技场,并催化下山上的未来住房和商业开发,” Acklin补充说。




“Each aspect of the development is guided by the Community Collaboration and Implementation Plan,” Acklin says, “which is a partnership among the development team, the city and the Hill District neighborhood.”