Officials and water sector professionals warned of ongoing cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the nation’s water and wastewater utility infrastructure at a Senate hearing on escalating cyber attacks against U.S. utilities and water-management organizations.


众议员迈克·加拉格尔(Mike Gallagher)(r -Wis。)在委员会对委员会的证词中说,美国水和废水公用事业的44.8%的预算不到1%的预算分配给其运营技术的网络安全。他说:“这使水部门容易受到国家,国家和刑事对手和内幕威胁的攻击,并使他们能够破坏我们的关键基础设施。”

对水部门的挑战范围从保持威胁的认识到评估风险到识别和补救脆弱性。加拉格尔说,全国有资格的网络安全专业人员的短缺使问题混合在一起。金,加拉格尔,委员会主席本·卡丁(Ben Cardin)(d -Md。)和排名成员雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(Shelley Moore Capito)(R -W.Va。)都指出,最近在佛罗里达州奥尔斯马尔的水厂最近的网络入侵是典型的类型威胁水域的面孔。

波士顿水和下水道委员会首席工程师约翰·沙利文(John Sullivan)在委员会面前说,虽然他的组织资金充足,并且已经成功地抵御了网络入侵而没有支付赎金,但在较大水之间的资金和技术差距都差距公用事业和运营商以及由较小的政府机构运营的运营商都是巨大的。波士顿水和下水道委员会是新英格兰最大,最古老的水系统,每天为超过100万人提供饮用水和下水道服务。沙利文说:“较大的城市能够负担得起,但需要更多信息,需要更多的及时信息。”“当您到达较小的政府单位时,还有许多其他问题争夺资源。”

Sullivan said that many system managers do not have awareness of security issues, and that many local municipalities need funding to replace outdated systems. He added that switching to newer water system management technologies and engaging in best practices will help water sector managers better understand and fend off cybersecurity threats.

参议员摩尔·卡皮托(Moore Capito)观察到,水行业专业人士的平均年龄超过50岁,而新的新兵对网络安全性的看法不同。沙利文(Sullivan)和其他几位演讲者回应了这样一个事实,即水管理部门的大多数专业人士都是老一代。摩尔·卡皮托(Moore Capito)表示,她预计该委员会将在一项潜在的水费中包括网络安全政策,她说委员会正在开始研究。

“We’re not just going to rely on smart people [who] sit in their chair for 40 years and become super experts,” says Colby Manwaring, CEO of Innovyze, a cloud-based water and wastewater systems management and optimization technology firm recently acquired by Autodesk.

Manwaring told ENR that technology upgrades could free up staff time to better focus on the challenges facing water systems, and not just cybersecurity.
