查尔斯·w·事实冲浪镇的镇长ide, Fla., is “very concerned” that Allyn Kilsheimer, the town’s structural consultant probing the June 24 fatal collapse of part of the 12-story Champlain Towers South, has not been allowed on the site by the Miami-Dade Police Department. In addition, Burkett is troubled by a recent MDPD request for qualifications for local structural forensic engineering services that disqualifies any firm with “conflicts or associations with the building or the Town of Surfside.”

That rules out any application from Kilsheimer, founder, chairman and CEO of KCE Structural Engineers, based in Washington, D.C. “I’m very concerned that our expert, one of the most qualified engineers on the planet, has been blocked from the site” to study the foundations and anything below grade, says Burkett. “If the county is going to be hiring someone else, we need someone as qualified or more qualified than Allyn Kilsheimer.”


“We have a whole team together, but we have not been allowed on site by the police,” he says. “Any team that has yet to be named will be four, eight even 12 weeks behind us.”


KCE还一直在进行其他Surfside建筑物的步行,寻找失败的危险迹象。此外,KCE还检查了一个附近的两根钢筋混凝土尚普兰塔,北部名为Champlain Towers North。他的团队拿走了混凝土板的板块,没有理由撤离该建筑物或在Surfside中的其他建筑物。



7月29日,在与迈阿密戴德县市长丹妮拉·莱文·卡瓦(Daniella Levine Cava)和MDPD联系后,伯克特(Burkett)被允许参观被清理现场,仅由Surfside的镇长和镇检察官陪同。

“Mr. Kilsheimer was not allowed to go to the site,” says Burkett. “He needs to get on the site to look at the foundations.”


对于其法医顾问,该县小型企业部门的资本改进项目分析师Francisco M. Caldera于7月28日通过电子邮件发送了一份资格要求,称为“公平分销计划调查”,向EDP计划中的数十家公司提供。




The firm, with a minimum of 20 years of experience, should be able to perform a comprehensive investigation of all construction and design contracts documents, inspections logs, testing, substitution, codes and standards of the time and more, as the consultant "deems required, as well as field inspection of the failed structure, to provide MDPD with an engineering forensic investigation report on the causes of the structural failure."


The email asks for a brief confirmation reply, emailed by July 30 to Francisco.Caldera@miamidade.gov. The responses are only to maintain a list of the firms that maintain they have met the requirements laid out in the email, says the survey.


Burkett says it is his duty to find the cause or causes of the June 24 fiasco, especially because there are other buildings of similar age and construction in Surfside. “We have hundreds of lives hanging in the balance,” he says. “People need to know if their buildings are safe.”