A broad-based major infrastructure package is edging closer to a floor vote in the Senate, as the bipartisan group of senators who negotiated the compromise measure on Aug. 2 released the text of the massive legislation and the chamber began voting on amendments.

The measure would provide $550 billion in new federal funds for highways, transit, water, energy and other types of public works. The bill also would continue infrastructure funding levels, bringing the package’s total cost to about $1 trillion, according to published reports.

Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio), the lead Republican in the bipartisan group, said on the Senate floor Aug. 2, “We believe our nation needs a shot in the arm.” He added, “We have enormous infrastructure needs.”

Construction and engineering groups, which have focused eagerly on what is by far the most important infrastructure legislation in years, were delving into the bill’s 2,700 pages to examine what’s in it.

Next Step: Amendments

The Senate began voting on amendments to the legislation, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.


McConnell said in afloor statement会议厅需要“关于如此规模的立法的强大而两党的修正案”。

He added, “Our full consideration of this bill must not be choked off by any artificial timetable that our Democratic colleagues may have penciled out for political purposes.”





In a key item that wasn't in an earlier outline of the plan, the Senate bill would seek to prevent the Highway Trust Fund from falling into the red, by transferring $118 billion to the trust fund from the general fund.


Other infrastructure sectors do have one-time appropriations increases under the package, according to a bill summary that predates the text.

They include $20 billion for airport runways, taxiways and terminals; $9.4 billion for Army Corps of Engineers civil works; and $3.9 billion for the General Services Administration for major border stations, or land ports of entry.

Also in the appropriations are: $65 billion for broadband; an additional $22 billion for water; and $46 billion for resilience features for multiple categories of projects.

Of that sum, the trust fund’s highway account would receive $90 billion and its transit account would get the other $28 billion.

Waiting On Deck, the House

If the Senate does approve the huge package, it then would move to the House, which on June 10 approved a $547-billion, multi-sector infrastructure package titled the INVEST in America Act. Among its many provisions, the INVEST bill has a $148-billion general fund infusion for the Highway Trust Fund.

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), the INVEST bill’s prime architect, was critical about the Senate bipartisan group’s infrastructure framework.

But DeFazio has tempered his criticism. He said in a July 30 press briefing that if the Senate does pass a bill, he has a “strong desire” to see a joint House-Senate conference committee convene to reconcile differences between the House and Senate bills.

DeFazio said the INVEST bill meets the objectives set for him by President Joe Biden and the White House and he wants to ensure that those provisions are in the final package.

吉米Christianson)相关的总承包商of America vice president of government relations said in an interview: ”The House gets to play basically spoiler or victor when it comes to this bill.”

Story updated 8/2/2021 to note that Senate started voting on amendments.