
7月30日,美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院的联邦陪审团因一项医疗保健欺诈罪名成立了阿肯色州卡姆登市的罗德里克·马文·贝内特(Roderick Marvin Bennett)。在不知道工会官员的情况下,贝内特非法将他的女友纳入了为华盛顿特区工会总部雇员提供的医疗保健计划。尽管他知道她没有资格获得报道。

Bennett, who faces up to five years in prison on the charge, will be sentenced sentenced on Oct. 14 for all of his convictions.


Bennett’s most recent conviction is not part of a larger investigation, said Joshua Stueve, senior communications advisor for the US Department of Justice. He declined to comment on whether the department thinks unions should have stricter financial controls to avoid such problems in the future.