内华达州运输部的公众面孔托尼·伊利亚(Tony Illia)是其南部地区的首席公共信息官员,也是一位前ENR记者,在覆盖建筑部门的任期很长,他于7月30日在拉斯维加斯突然去世。新利luck他52岁。



Illia wrote for ENR from 2000 to 2014, authoring detailed updates of such major projects as the Hoover Dam Bypass bridge, the $1.8-billion Project Neon interchange expansion in Las Vegas, and the $527-millon Lake Mead water intake tunnel, as well informed analyses of financial, labor and project management issues on other big regional projects and faced by industry firms and agencies.

他的一次ENR博客Neon新利luck Desert吸引了强大的行业读者。

In a 2009cover story他在一个拉斯维加斯高层项目城市中心(CityCenter)撰写了有关安全周转的著作,该项目在建设过程中有许多死亡,伊利亚(Illia)在现场将工人遮蔽了几天:“感觉就像是放学的第一天。有激动的谈话,颜色的笑话,老朋友的团聚和紧张的眼神。人们彼此之间的规模大小,分成群集 - 铁匠,木匠和讲西班牙语的劳动者。”

But his narrative and message became more serious by the article's end: "Leaders should be concerned because it is not clear that 10 hours of safety training can stem the carnage. If it were that simple, no one would ever get hurt." he wrote. "That seems unlikely because the classroom instruction, booklets and blunt warnings do not tell the whole story. You cannot force someone to behave safely even if you teach them all the rules. You cannot badger or terrify."

ENR内华达州记者和20年新利luck的Illia同事Doug Puppel说:“作为前建筑作家,托尼在解释项目背后的工程方面非常宝贵。18luck官网他热爱这个行业,并一直指出保护工人的安全程序。”

Janice Tuchman, ENR editor-in-chief, adds, "We have lost a resource, a colleague and a friend."

伊利亚(Illia)曾三届建筑作家协会罗伯特·博格(Robert F. Boger)新闻奖获得者,并被内华达州新闻协会(Nevada Press Association)认可了五次。他还为拉斯维加斯商业出版社,拉斯维加斯评论杂志,建筑拉斯维加斯杂志撰写了撰写文章,并曾是内华达州南部房地产的编辑和共同出版商。


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