明天建筑业面临的两个重大挑战 - 它的未来劳动力和迫在眉睫的气候变化灾难 - 迎来了8月2日至4日在奥兰多举行的第一次面对面,建筑工业学院联合会议和建筑用户圆桌会议。

Members of the research team focused on Workforce 2030 noted that ongoing industry trends and predictions about the way construction work gets done—and who does it—have not always proven out.

Despite industry’s efforts, the construction workforce is growing older, with the industry's average age rising from 36.8 in 1994, to 42.9 in 2020. By 2030, it is estimated average age will rise to roughly 46.


Instead, by 2030, Taylor argued, human-assisted robotics could be providing the aging construction workforce with a productivity boost. “Perhaps that’s a way that we see improvement,” he said.


Multiskilling, where a craftworker is certified in more than one trade, is another trend that hasn’t played out exactly as planned, says Dr. Paul Goodrum, department head of Colorado State University’s construction management department. Promoted, he says, since the late 1990s as a labor strategy for a smaller workforce, “the actuality is a little bit different” in ways that could cause other future challenges.


基本上,与Curt战略计划主管Daniel Groves说:“如果您是双重收入家庭的手工艺工人,那么在搬家或旅行方面,您的可能性要小得多,而且灵活性较小。”





To address the challenge, negative emissions technologies will have to play a role.

“There’s no net zero without carbon capture,” says Nigel Jenvey, managing partner with oil field services company Baker Hughes. “It’s fundamentally important to achieve net zero through negative emissions technologies such as bioenergy.”

Continuum Advisory Group总裁Kelcey Henderson提供了比较。她说:“我认为我们都在考虑这一点,就好像我们在一个燃烧的平台上一样。确实,我们的行为好像平台只是闷闷不乐。我认为这就是挂断成本发生的地方。”

亨德森(Henderson)举例说明了加利福尼亚公用事业公司(California Utility PG&E)最近宣布将在地下电力线上花费300亿美元。“最终,这个平台确实引起了着火,他们发现了他们认为找不到的钱。”

In an earlier presentation highlighting his company’s global efforts to address climate change, Jim Ellis, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for global construction, implored CII-CURT attendees to join the fight.
