

The new报告发现弹性是衡量和评估公司onsistently, even when it is a prominent factor in the investment planning process. Instead, resilience should be measured and assessed using an analytic framework that incorporates detailed inventories of existing and planned transportation assets.

“Storms, floods, droughts and other natural hazards are combining with sea level rise and other effects of climate change to disrupt the functioning of the nation’s transportations systems,” said Joseph Schofer, associate dean at the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University, and chair of the committee that wrote the report, in a news release. “Investing in resilience will require us to make carefully considered choices about how we spend money today to generate benefits that may not be realized until long into the future.”

Additionally, the report recommends that Congress direct the U.S. Dept. of Transportation to study what types of data transportation agencies need for resilience analysis.



VHB区域航空总监Carol Lurie表示,该公司对联邦政府对可持续性和韧性的承诺感到“满意”。她说:“设计生活必须考虑到结构的脆弱性,未来的气候风险和其他自然危害。”“联邦政府对当今基础设施的投资将为明天更具可持续性,公平和韧性的明天提供基础,我们完全支持这一努力。”