After a long, halting trek, the largest federal infrastructure bill in recent memory has pushed past a critical legislative milepost, with the US Senate’s approval of a $1-trillion measure that would provide major funding infusions for a wide range of public works categories including highways, bridges, water, the electric grid and broadband.



戴夫·鲍尔(Dave Bauer),美国道路与运输建筑商协会主席兼首席执行官,警告,“参议院投票是急需的一步,但不是终点线。”

参议院环境和公共工程委员会主席汤姆·卡珀(Tom Carper)(德尔。


Infrastructure funding has been a priority for President Joe Biden, going back to his 2020 presidential campaign. Interest perked up in late March, when Biden unveiled a $2-trillion framework. [View ENR 3/31/2021 story on Biden's announcement这里。]。


But Biden, a veteran of past Senate negotiations, was upbeat after the vote.Speaking at a press conference他说:“经过基础设施周,几年和年后,我们正处于基础设施十年的风口浪尖。”






Highway, Transit, Water Authorizations, Too

The measure also enfolds important five-year reauthorizations for highway, transit and US Environmental Protection Agency water programs. The highway and water bill had cleared the Environment and Public Works Committee earlier this year. The EPA water bill, totaling $35 billion, was approved by the full Senate earlier as well, and is wrapped into the total package approved Aug. 10.

国家公用事业承包商协会首席执行官道格·卡尔森(Doug Carlson)指出,指出EPA水和宽带的大量资金陈述,“这项法案对核成员来说是一项巨大的胜利。”

参议员雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托(Shelley Moore Capito)(W.Va.)是共和党最高的环境和公共工程,表示高速公路授权总计30030亿美元,比上一届多年高速公路法案增长了35%,这是2015年《 FIX America's Surlient Transportation Act》。


国家沥青路面协会倡导执行副总裁杰伊·汉森(Jay Hansen)在一次采访中说,这项30030亿美元将“大大增加在公路,道路和桥梁的投资,因此自然而然地,我们对此感到高兴。”


Industry officials also highlighted the reauthorizations' long time span. Sean O'Neill, Portland Cement Association senior vice president for government affairs, said in an interview that the long time span provides “the certainty that comes with the investments that will be made in all facets of infrastructure over the next several years.”

更广泛地说,美国工程公司委员会高级倡导副总裁史蒂夫·霍尔(Steve Hall)说:“这对行业来说将是巨大的。”



Attention has quickly shifted to the House, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said she wants to take up the infrastructure bill basically in tandem with a second bill that’s an even larger part of Biden’s legislative agenda—a $3.5-trillion budget measure that would include funding for what the president calls “human infrastructure,” including education, child care and health care.



That would be followed up by detailed legislation for the various committees' sectors. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Aug. 11 that his goal is to wrap up that reconciliation measure by Sept. 15.


Some construction and engineering officials want to see the two bills unlinked, and are urging faster action on infrastructure.

美国联合总裁兼首席执行官史蒂芬·桑德尔(Stephen Sandherr)在陈述,“华盛顿要做的最后一件事是持有急需的两党基础设施​​法案,人质。”

Hall says, “The ‘win’ on infrastructure is right there.” He adds, “If lawmakers want to battle it out on the social policy side, let them do that and then have that debate. But let’s take the win now on infrastructure.”

国家石头,沙子与碎石协会政府和监管事务副总裁米歇尔·史丹利(Michele Stanley)在电子邮件发送给ENR的评论中说:“最终,[基础设施]法案将以少量利润通过房屋。新利luck这是未知的时机,直到今年秋天晚些时候才发生,但它将越过终点线。”
