The search for possible clues into the collapse of Champlain Towers South, and the corresponding hunt for a possible buyer of the site of the tragedy in Surfside, Fla., both moved forward notably on Aug. 11.

早晨,正如美国国家标准技术学院(NIST)公开详细介绍了其检查尚普兰塔(Champlain Towers Surfside)倒塌的尚普兰塔(Champlain Towers South)所在地的方法一样,来自可能的“跟踪马”的新闻是一份可能的“跟踪马”,目光投标了潜在的1100至1.2亿美元购买该物业正在宣布在司法法院法官迈克尔·汉兹曼(Michael Hanzman)的迈阿密法庭上宣布。

Hanzman, who is overseeing the legal case related to the fate of the property and compensation of victims, called the news from Michael Fay of Avison Young—which is leading the site’s potential sale—as the “best news I’ve heard so far today,” adding: “That’s fantastic.”


Hanzman, who had previously estimated the value of a compensation fund at a minimum of $150 million, said, “I want to compensate these victims as soon as possible.”


大约在同一时间,NIST宣布了其正在进行的详细信息调查of Champlain Towers site, which it says is focused on “the geologic characteristics underneath the collapsed building site, as well as the properties of the building’s foundation system.”


The agency said its field testing “will seek to shed light on how the subsurface soil layers vary in depth below the building and across the building’s footprint.”


Last month, a NIST team had finished cataloguing sections of damaged columns, beams and slabs, which are stored offsite.


As of Aug. 9, Surfside’s forensic investigator, Allyn Kilsheimer, chairman and CEO of KCE Structural Engineers, still did not have access to the site. In addition, NIST has not released the names of the members of its forensic team that will probe the causes of the tragedy.